Why Doesn’t Apple Do Much Television and Internet Advertising?

Advertisements, made in many different ways in many different media, from television to the internet, from billboards to product placement in a movie we watch, have now become a part of our lives, and a power that brands hold in their hands like a weapon.

When it comes to advertising, Apple is undoubtedly at the forefront among the most successful brands. Appearing in various forms in various media simple but clever Designed Apple advertisements attract the attention of all of us.

But have you ever paid attention? Apple unlike other brands Does not focus much on television and internet advertising. So how does Apple maintain its popularity despite not advertising heavily?

The answer is very simple. Because Apple doesn’t actually need to advertise to stay in mind.

Apple, its customers faithfully devoted A brand that is. So much so that, when the time comes, there are even Apple fans who stand in line for hours, from winter to winter, to buy a new iPhone.

In other words, most of the advertisements and promotional activities are directed to people who do not know or use the product anyway. Made for potential customers.

Since it is a brand that attracts attention and is talked about in all kinds of media, its advertising is done in a very natural way.


Apple is a brand that attracts a lot of attention and has high brand awareness. in all kinds of media, by people from all walks of life It enables conversation.

It is inevitable that every action Apple takes will be discussed with great interest by high-profile people and the media. It gives the impression as advertised.

Since Apple bases its brand on simplicity, it actually follows the same path in advertising.

airpods ad

Rather than intense and overwhelming advertisements made in every medium and pressuring the consumer to buy the product, Apple follows a simple and plain approach in its advertisements. without overwhelming consumers He prefers to remind himself.

Apple makes advertisements that are quite different from the advertising style we are used to seeing. They even add clever elements to most of their advertisements. It also ensures that the advertising work is talked about.

In this way, while gaining appreciation for both the product and the advertising, It also reminds him of himself.

From here we come to Apple’s most powerful weapon: reference groups!


The concept we call reference groups; people around them People whose ideas and opinions they influence means. So you will see that the concept of simplicity, which we have emphasized from the beginning of the content, prevails here as well.

I’m sure there is someone in your close circle who constantly praises and recommends Apple products. This is exactly how Apple is frequently among people’s reference groups, thanks to its loyal customer base. is discussed and suggested. In other words, it is being advertised.


“Oh Apple!” How fast can you do in this test that even the crew who say “Can’t Do It Completely”?

Celebrities whose opinions we value prefer Apple is another advertising method.

leonardo dicaprio

It is not known whether it is product placement or coincidence, but Our favorite celebrities use Apple products It also affects consumers’ opinions about Apple. Because they have influence on consumers, just like the reference groups in our immediate environment. has the power to make an impact persons.

In this way, Apple also promotes without compromising its naturalness and simplicity It advertises itself and reminds oneself.

In summary; Apple has maintained the image it has achieved by not breaking its line since its establishment, in every field you can think of, from advertising to product design. an unshakable brand image has built.

The advertising decisions he makes are based on the basic element of his image. “simplicity” We can say that it has become able to advertise without advertising because it is based on it.


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