Why Does Our Stomach Burn After Eating Pastry?

A hot, mouth-watering pastry on top of the smoke… Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? But what about the heartburn after two hours?

And it’s such a burning sensation that it feels like your stomach acid is going to pass through your throat and into your mouth at any moment. Also, if you have reflux, gastritis you will regret what you ate.

Otherwise, if you consume it too often, you invite all kinds of diseases, after all, even in a dough as big as your hand. hundreds of calories exists.

So what is in the pastry that turns the stomach into a crematorium?

Neither flour nor oil is responsible It is “yeast in pastry dough”. Some bad bakeries and patisseries press yeast as if there is no tomorrow to make the buns look big. For this reason, one should not be deceived by the fact that the pastry is puffy like a puff.

Of course, poor quality oils that are used over and over again are harmful, but they are not the most important factor that burns the stomach.


For example, a salty cookie that uses the same oil and does not contain yeast will not burn the stomach, while the pastries will. The cause of heartburn is that added to the dough yeast fermentation time and the temperature of the dough. For this reason, it is beneficial to choose quality bakeries and patisseries that do not ferment incorrectly.

The body produces certain antibodies to remove excess yeast; especially if you have a yeast allergy and if your body is sensitive to yeast protein, symptoms are more likely.

skin rashes, You may experience problems such as dizziness, joint pain, swelling, heartburn, nausea. If you have too many such complaints when you consume fermented foods, you should definitely have a food allergy test.

If you eat two donuts every day for 20 days, your body will form a fat mass of the following size:

donut heartburn

Because of sugar in the blood of people who eat at least two pastries for breakfast every day. sedimentation occurs and capillaries are clogged. In addition to weight problems, it can also cause serious heart and stomach health problems.


Celebrity Dietitian Shows The Amount Of Fat That Will Form In Your Body If You Eat Two Buns Every Day

in the pastry margarine is also harmful to health. It raises bad cholesterol called LDL, and even lowers the quality of breast milk. It impairs intestinal health and causes you to go to the toilet too often.

Donuts etc. foods, especially children’s brain development, can cause attention deficit and hyperactive disorder.


Psychologist Nejla Avci, Saying that more than half of the population has a hyperactive disorder, he warns: Excessive sugar and carbohydrate foods adversely affect brain development. Foods such as all kinds of pastries and pastries are hyperactive and cause attention deficit disorder. Sugar is also due to the excessive energy it gives. negatively affects the brain. When you give something extra while the brain is active, it will either gain weight or make your children active. It will hurt either way.

All this shows that the bun causes more serious problems than the burning problem.

If you have increased heartburn complaints recently “Internal Medicine” or “Gastroenterology” We recommend that you go to


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