Why Do Wolves Howl at Full Moons?

While thinking of wolves with the eerie sound of the wild nature, which has a completely different place in Turkish mythology, do you think of a full moon standing up and howling in front of you?

Wolves identified with the full moonWhy does this idea prevail even if there is no howl or something like that at these times? Is this just a myth created by humans from past to present?

This situation, which we do not know the answer to even today, has been subject of legends, It has taken its place among the stories passed down from generation to generation.

There are various “mythical” ideas about howling; From the thought of having a friend on the Moon to the fact that they landed the Moon…

wolves, herd psychology They are high and loyal animals. This brings up a variety of ideas about how they call their friends. Maybe whoever we ask will make this justification. This is also accepted for wolves, as the family of dogs howls each other in general. But is that actually true?

This story has nothing to do with reality. The truth of the matter is this:

Wolves are more concerned about the creatures they will hunt for food rather than the companions they seek, and the irritating fleas that cling to their fur. Well, you might be wondering how this event coincides with the time of the full moon. In many studies on the subject, the howling of wolves No connection could be detected between the movements of the Moon. That is, they howl even when there is a crescent instead of a full moon in the sky.

So why have we associated their howls with the full moon?


Every living thing you can think of, from the smallest to the largest in nature, to communicate making noise. We humans can speak, but in animals this communication is only possible through the sounds they have. Howling against the sky with their heads raisedcan be understood as the ritual of summoning his distant family. In many myths and legends, it is said that wolves that raise their heads “call to the moon”.

Although we know the only sound they can make is howling, in fact, wolves can make all the sounds that dogs make.

The sounds dogs make are not just theirs, howling of wolves And it’s not just for them. No matter how tame, a dog does not go unanswered when it hears howling.

The full moon has also inspired many legends.

The most familiar to us is the legend of the werewolf. At the full moon, the werewolf turns into a wolf with wild features, leaving aside his human features. According to legend Sleeping in the open air during the full moon and drinking the water that wolves drink caused one to become a werewolf.


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How can they communicate only by howling?

Wolves, who live in packs and are identified with the night, go hunting not alone but in packs. For this reason, howling is a kind of “invitation to the hunt”. their howls 9.6 km in a forested area and 16 km in a treeless area We can see it reaching far.

When wolves see that other packs are included in the area they have determined with their own packs howling choir they form. The howling sound that intimidates other wolves and comes out in unison seems to be important for them to dominate their territory.

Other than that, when you hear a wolf howling, it’s actually he may be looking for a wife It’s good to remember.


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