Why do we have trouble remembering new passwords?

Many of us are willingly or unwillingly forced to change the passwords we use to protect our digital assets. These passwords, which we cannot remember until we get used to using the new password, have a scientific explanation. Certain types of information don’t go into what’s called working memory/working memory, according to a new study. what aboutWhy do we have trouble remembering new passwords??

Why do we have trouble remembering new passwords? a game of our brain

When you change your email password, you probably won’t remember the temporary one, that is, the automatically generated, meaningless string of numbers and letters. Before you think of a new permanent password (perhaps a new version of your childhood pet’s name), be sure to type it in only when signing in.

While it’s not clear what information goes into people’s working memory permanently, researchers at China’s Zhejiang University have focused on this issue.

Why do we have trouble remembering new passwords?

The research team conducted multiple experiments and discovered that the human brain may have a mechanism that prevents what types of information from being retained. The research, published in Science Advances, found that people are more likely to recall information that is deliberately ignored than information they once paid attention to and don’t expect to need much of in the future.

In the experiment, people were shown different shapes and asked to look for a slash, but something interesting happened and people were distracted. The ignored shape was remembered better than it should have been.

The study specifically says we need to be very careful about certain details and information because our brains are very picky and while your brain doesn’t remember these temporary passwords, it actually remembers a lot more than you might think.

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