Why Do We Always Come Up With The New Things We Learn?

It has happened to all of us; When we learn something new, we realize that we are constantly encountering that thing. So, is this just a coincidence, or is there something else?

When you learn something about something, you do the same thing. to hear left and right or you have definitely started reading.

Even among you “I learned this last time, now it’s up to me. Look at the coincidence” You may even have said According to psychology, this is not a coincidence, it is much more.

According to research on the subject, the reason for this phenomenon is that when you encounter newly learned information again after a short time, your brain starts to assume that this information is important and assigns a special importance to it.

Because our brains has the ability to give extra attention to repetitive things as evolved. This feature of us, known as pattern recognition, has an important place in our evolutionary development.

The reason why we think about this situation for ourselves or share it with the people around us is that it is perceived as important in our brain. If we had to go through a visual example of why it was perceived as important, Visualize 10 different colored balls in your mind and arrange them side by side. Then add 2 black balls side by side between the balls and look at the image from afar in your mind. These 2 black balls will be the first balls that catch your eye.

Just like in this case, our brain is among the random information, cares about those who are alike and attracts your attention here.

Another version of this situation is when you encounter things you’ve been thinking about lately.

For example, if, after having a conversation with your friend about something, you come across a comment on the same topic the next day, the first thing that comes to your mind is “I talked about it yesterday, coincidence” It is possible.

However, this is actually It may be a coincidence, You may have read the comments on the same subject before. However, since the subject is not important to your brain at that moment, you just read and passed it.

In this case, since you were in a conversation on that subject the previous day, your brain would think about it when you came across a comment on that subject a short time later. sets a high degree of importance.

So this phenomenon is actually we can say that it takes its basis from the selectivity in perception.

Brain in a nutshell does not treat all information equally, sees successive information as more important; this is what the whole thing is about.

Finally, let’s explain where the name of the phenomenon comes from: After an American man reads a news about the terrorist organization called the Red Army Faction founded by Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, he starts seeing and hearing a lot about this organization and finds the situation interesting and writes a letter to a magazine. .

The letter published in the magazine was received by many readers. “The same situation happened to me,” comes back. At the end of this whole process, this situation is referred to in the literature as the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. That’s what’s behind the name…


The Reason We Forget What To Do When We Enter A Room And Freeze Up: The Door Sill Effect


If you see yourself as superior to the majority, it may be because of this phenomenon in psychology!

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