Why Do Planes Wait for Minutes Even If There Are No Planes on the Runway?

If you are a plane traveler, you may have noticed that sometimes we wait for minutes on the airport runway as if there was road traffic. There are no other planes ahead, the runway is clear, so what are we waiting for?

You board the plane, everyone settles into their seats and waits for the same thing: takeoff. However, the plane never takes off. You’re just standing on the track. We wonder the reason for this situation, security related Actually.

If you’ve opened your sunshades, put your seats in an upright position, and fastened your seat belts, get ready. planes, towards the reason for waiting for minutes when the runway is empty We are going on a journey.

The forces used by aircraft during takeoff can cause danger.

Airplanes use two different forces when taking off. First called “jetwash” It is a force and it is so strong and dangerous that it can even throw a truck, let alone a person. Another force is the “wingtip vortices” created by the winds that enable the aircraft to take off.

Wingtip vortices remain in the air for 2-3 minutes after the aircraft takes off, creating artificial turbulence. In this process around the plane If another plane passes, it is very likely that an accident will occur.

For exactly these reasons, between planes taking off at least 3 minutes should be. Otherwise, pilots on other planes may lose control and the plane may even roll over in the air.


What exactly are the white gases coming out of the wings of airplanes? Airflow is not the only reason!

The Federal Aviation Administration has developed certain standards to prevent accidents.


Since wingtip vortices can vary depending on the weight of the aircraft, airplanes; were divided into light, medium and heavy. For example, to take off after a “heavy” category aircraft at least 2 minutes It is necessary to wait.

Likewise, tracking distances during landing also need to be determined. For example, if a “light” category plane is to land after a “heavy” plane, at least 14 kilometers should be. If it is to land after a “medium” weight aircraft, it must be at least 7 kilometers.

Waiting for planes on the runway is an air traffic control procedure.

air traffic controller

Air traffic controllers regulate traffic at the airport and in the air to make sure planes take off safely. It sets the waiting times on the track and determines the following distances.

Planes on the runway are checked by air traffic controllers. “Get in line and wait.” The command is given and the waiting we mentioned begins because the previous plane may still be on the runway or the effects of the currents it produces may not have worn off.

After lining up and waiting for a few minutes after the command to wait, the command for takeoff is given and the flight begins. This is the waiting procedure on airplanes and It is done entirely for security purposes.

If you would like to take a look at our other content related to airplanes:


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