Why Do Even Sane People Believe Scammers?

We come across news of fraud almost every day. Some of those who are deceived are football players, some are famous business people or professors, and some are the people closest to us. “How did you fall for this and get defrauded?” We can look at people who fall into the events we call “stupid”. But this is not as easy as you think. Because we are all beings who act with our emotions and fraudsters are well aware of this.

The person who is deceived by one of the countless fraud techniques is already drawn into the business until he suffers material or moral loss. coming after feeling of regret It not only eats people up, but also makes them wonder, “How could I do such a thing?” He also makes you question:

We also wondered and people How did you fall for the scammers?we asked Psychologist Neslinur Girişgin how they were not aware of it.

Scammers are quite adept at deception techniques.

From past to present, many strategies have been followed to persuade people towards an idea, situation or event in every environment where human relations and communication take place. Interaction occurs as a result of people’s communication with others, and in order to reveal the desired behaviors, deception technique is being used.

In addition to choosing methods of persuasion through face-to-face communication, in recent times in mass media It can be said that persuasion is easier.

Psychologist Neslinur Girişgin focuses on people’s spiritual world and charges large amounts of money for charity, with just a click. get rich easily He states that there are different approaches to the field that has an impact on the psychology of that person.

How do scammers implement tactics?

How to overcome the psychology of being scammed

In case of deception or deception, a fraudulent person or group; knows his target audience and then strengths or weaknesses trying to move forward.

Poor/average relationship with social media An example of this would be applying the method of defrauding an individual via social media. Based on that person’s weakness, their ignorance on the subject is used. Of course, some fall into this, and some realize the situation because they are alert about it.

While Girişgin said that fraudsters are very skilled at manipulation, in order to gain trust, he said, “Well-known people are also our members, We are a well-known company, He says that they use expressions such as “Let’s go to our institution if you want, click on the link and win now, we would be happy if you decide quickly, our campaign is about to end”. Girişgen, in addition to trust in these expressions, prompting quick decision making He also underlines that the focus is on issues that will affect human psychology.

Complex psychologies play into the hands of fraudsters.

How do scammers deceive?

Psychologist Neslinur Girişgin states that during the fraud process, the psychology of the defrauded, or victim, party may be complex. Giristgen says that complexity can keep the individual in this process and adds the following: The deceived party; technical difficulties or lapses in trust may notice. But this may happen at a later time.

The fraudster is the person’s friend, apart from his sense of trust. may have an impact on psychology Since it is directed towards other emotions and thoughts, the deceived party is ensured to be included in the process in the first place.

For example; The sense of savior/helpfulness of the person who thinks of being a savior, trying to be popular Since a person’s feelings and thoughts about becoming known are involved in the process, everything may seem very nice at first for the deceived party. Because the emotions and thoughts fed or the gaps are completed.

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