Why Do Airports and Shopping Centers Have High Ceilings?

Why do many buildings, visited by tens of thousands of people every day, have high ceilings? The answer lies in both technical and psychological reasons.

You can see that the ceilings are high, especially in the areas where we are in a mass, such as airports or shopping malls. Well, in these areas and so on Why are the ceilings so high?

The answer to this question is actually one of the methods used in the construction of the building, in the people who will visit this building. up to the desired share can arrive. Let’s explain the reasons behind the high ceilings.

That first answer we can all guess: The high ceiling makes it feel spacious:

Many people have actually guessed this answer to the question. Since the high ceiling has much more air volume, it also has an effect on people. sense of relief However, structures with high ceilings can also have large windows, so that more sunlight enters.

With natural light and large volume, we feel much more comfortable as human beings, we feel ourselves in a crowded environment. we don’t feel so cramped. Imagine that there is a low ceiling in a shopping mall, people ‘flow’ all around you and when you look up a ceiling welcomes you. Just thinking about it makes you feel sick, doesn’t it?

Also especially airports and shopping malls, wherever we step on us “Welcome” message trying to give. Every single point and shape on the walls that we see around us has been carefully planned to make this place feel special.

As a result, the recommendation “You should buy this product” finds a more positive response on a happy person.

On the technical side, ventilation plays a role:

Of course, the only use of high ceilings is not to make us feel special. The buildings have high ceilings better heat dissipation also provides.

High ceilings provide the distribution of heat from people and each working equipment within the building; prevents heat build-up. In this way, fresh air can be constantly provided in the environment.

Of course, one that cleans the air inside or controls the temperature. ventilation systems as well has a separate role. These equipment, which are responsible for keeping crowded environments under control, take up much more space than you think. So many architects resort to high ceilings to keep installations out of sight.

More room is made available not only for ventilation equipment, but also for other environmental elements and decoration:

high ceiling

With high ceilings, the area that can be used for decoration and function in buildings is also growing. In this way, signs, warning signs, billboards and lighting can be thought of in the building. all kinds of decoration and functional elements can be positioned more easily. In short, everything is not put directly into your eyes, you are already able to see them by looking around, and a partial sense of discovery is created.


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