Why Did Old Cars Suddenly Become Curvy Instead of Being Corner?

Have you noticed that when you compare old cars with today’s cars, sharp designs are becoming more and more curvy? So why was it suddenly decided to do something like this and the cars were designed with less sharp shapes?

When we watch movies or look at photographs taken in old times, the first things that catch our attention are usually clothes and cars It is possible. The cars of those periods always seem classier to us. Sometimes we even go to museums just to see these vintage cars.

If cars of that style looked more stylish and were loved, why did curved cars start to be produced later and angular ones were completely eliminated from the market? Oh sure If you have an 80 model Tofaş This does not apply to you…

The designs of cars have undergone a considerable change in a maximum of 10 years.

Even when we compare cars from the 1980s to cars from the 1990s How big a design difference is there? It doesn’t go unnoticed. Look at the 1980 model Tofaş Şahins and the Fords produced in 1993.

The first detail that catches your eye is the corners of cars from the 80s and before. sharp as a box edge While the ones after the 90s were more curvy. But what we need to know is this; There was a reason why they were sharp and why they were curved.

Curvy cars actually existed in the 1930s.

When car manufacturing companies switched to curved models in the 1990s, this was not actually a very new concept. Remember the designs that appeared in the 1930s, which you can see below. Chrysler Airflow Cars like these were designed this way to reduce wind resistance.

However, in the 50s and 60s, sales of these cars stopped. their places, larger and angular cars took. The angular vehicles looked like a combination of three boxes of different shapes.

There were reasonable reasons for producing cornered cars.

In old cars, the emphasis was on increasing interior space. be fast or Saving fuel was not a big deal. Manufacturers were trying to maximize the space of the trunk and interior.

In addition, it was not possible to produce small and powerful engines at that time. Larger cars were expensive to produce, and rectangular sides allowed manufacturers to save material. However, after a while, especially in Europe fuel crisis started to happen.

Low fuel efficiency was a big problem.

That’s why engineers and designers; will move more easily and consume less fuel, He began to experiment with aerodynamically friendly designs.

Curves and sloping windshields allowed air to slide over them more easily. Car Less gas was burned when moving the same distance at the same speed.


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The first curved car was produced, but it was not popular. On the contrary, it was made fun of.

The 1982 model Ford Sierra was the first example of these cars, but it was not very popular. Even “jelly mold” Names like these were stuck. But everything was obvious, curved cars were much more economical. Later; Automobile brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Porsche have all moved towards curved cars.

evolution of cars

Nowadays except for the curved ones Almost no vehicles are produced. This is how the evolution of automobiles took place, but we do not think that it has completed its evolution. Let’s see what awaits us in the future.

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