Why Are MacBooks’ Cameras Bad? – Webtekno

If you are an iPad or especially an iPhone user, you may have been amazed by the high-quality performance of the cameras and decided to buy a MacBook with the same expectation. However, the quality of the photos you took on the MacBook has most likely disappointed you.

In fact, most laptops generally do not offer us the camera performance we expect because some design limitations and other reasons, Mobile phones take their cameras one step further.

What about the camera quality of MacBooks? why is it so bad?

The biggest reason for this difference is due to the different forms of the devices.

At this point, subtlety comes into play. On iPads and iPhones, the front camera is in the display case, and the rest of the device is included in the same case. But on the MacBook, the camera is It is on a thin screen.

Since the LED panels in iPads and iPhones are quite thin and light, the display component does not take up much space. But when it comes to the MacBook’s thin screen, called the cover, Apple only uses it 4 millimeters thick produces.

This design makes the product look stylish and aesthetic, but it brings problems with the camera.

Macbook and iPhone

For example, have you ever wondered why high-priced DSLR camera lenses are so big? The reason for this is to capture the highest quality image possible. focal length and a wide aperture is to present.

So for a camera narrow space, low quality It means. While Apple offers 4 millimeters of space for the MacBook camera lens, this measurement is 7.6 on the iPhone. That’s almost twice as much.

Of course, this means that Apple can add a larger and longer lens to the iPhone. As a result, the image quality is much better. For this reason, the quality of the photo taken on the MacBook is also It remains lower than iPhone.

Apple is of course aware of this problem.

MacOs Ventura

However, since Apple cannot change the size of the camera lenses due to the design limitations of MacBooks, it added a new feature to macOS Ventura. With this innovation How to use iPhone’s webcam on MacBook made it possible.

Thus, users can enjoy the ultra-thin design of MacBooks without compromising from iPhone the same high image quality they expect can reach And in a way, this problem is solved.

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