When will Apple Vision Pro be released to the world?

The latest information shows us that the sensational Apple Vision Pro device may start global sales earlier than expected. If this happens, it could bring a new breath to the wearable technology industry. The origin of the rumor was the new language update that Apple was preparing to make to the product. The fact that Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Korean languages ​​are included in this update has led to comments that the device will come to these countries soon. Here are all the details…

When does Apple Vision Pro start global sales?

Vision Pro, which officially went on sale in America on February 2, was subject to harsh criticism for not opening up to the world sufficiently. It is said that Apple management is afraid of the price tag of the device, which is exactly 3,500 dollars, and wants to extend the supply process of a product with this price over a longer period of time.

While fans of the brand in other countries are greatly disturbed by this decision, they are trying to access the product through various means. The device has now officially become a black market in many places. Of course, company management can start global sales earlier to prevent such situations.

When will Apple Vision Pro be released globally?

However, there are also those who claim that the company made the language update specifically for American citizens who speak these languages, not for other countries. Additionally, no official statement has been made on the subject so far. If these rumors are unfounded, global sales of Vision Pro are expected to start with the WWDC event in June. We hope that all these developments will benefit users.

Mysterious cracks appear on Apple Vision Pro screens!  So why?

Mysterious cracks appear on Apple Vision Pro screens! So why?

It is reported that mysterious cracks appear on Apple Vision Pro screens! So are these claims true? Here are the details…

So what do you think about this issue? Do you think Apple’s marketing strategy is correct? When can the product arrive in Turkey? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.

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