Berlin Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) wants to make progress with the expansion and construction of heating networks on the way to a climate-neutral building stock. The expansion of the networks is “very important in order to provide citizens with affordable, renewable heat and at the same time to achieve our climate protection goals,” said Habeck on Monday afternoon after a meeting with representatives of 30 industry associations. Habeck announced that in future 100,000 buildings should be connected to heating networks every year.
Six million of Germany’s 43 million households are currently supplied with district heating. This corresponds to a market share of 14 percent. Other countries are much further along. The proportion of district heating in Denmark is 65 percent.
The municipal utilities, which operate around 90 percent of the heating networks in Germany, are confident about the expansion. “We think that district heating’s market share could triple by 2045,” said Ingbert Liebing, Managing Director of the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU), the Handelsblatt.
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