Tag: Ramona Pop
Verbraucherschützer drängen auf einfache Entschädigung für Postbank-Kunden
Frankfurt Nach der scharfen Kritik der Finanzaufsicht Bafin an der Postbank pochen Verbraucherschützer auf weitere Schritte. Deutschlands oberste Verbraucherschützerin Ramona Pop forderte die Bafin zu einer klaren Ansage gegenüber der…
This is how dangerous the new technology is for consumers
Berlin When dealing with artificial intelligence (AI), Germany’s top consumer advocate Ramona Pop has spoken out in favor of comprehensive rules. AI systems like ChatGPT have the potential to “make…
When district heating makes replacing the heating system superfluous
heat pump The installation of a heat pump is associated with high costs. (Photo: dpa) Berlin Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) wants to make progress with the expansion…
When district heating makes replacing the heating system superfluous
heat pump The installation of a heat pump is associated with high costs. (Photo: dpa) Berlin Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) wants to make progress with the expansion…
When district heating makes replacing the heating system superfluous
Berlin The municipal utility is convinced that heating networks can play a key role in heating in the future – and save many owners expensive investments in a heat pump.…
Consumer center calls for more legal clout for Bafin
BaFin in Bonn Collective consumer protection is now also one of the tasks of financial supervision. (Photo: imago images/Schöning) Frankfurt For around eight years, the financial supervisory authority Bafin has…
Consumer advocates warn of EU tax for Netflix, Youtube & Co.
Netflix According to the telecoms industry, the five largest online services account for around 55 percent of data traffic. (Photo: Reuters) Berlin The EU Commission’s plans to share the costs…
Bafin comparison portal for banks will not go into operation until 2024
Change bank details if the institute is too expensive? With the planned Bafin portal, citizens should get an overview of the conditions of credit institutions, for example for transfers, cash…
Who earns higher prices for sausage and salami
Sausage shelf at a discounter Boiled and raw sausages as well as cured products have become significantly more expensive for consumers in 2022. (Photo: imago/Geisser) Dusseldorf Whether salami, boiled ham…
Habeck’s heating ban causes the number of energy consultations to skyrocket
Installation of a gas heater Because of the impending installation ban from next year, there is a run on gas and oil heating systems. (Photo: dpa) Berlin The plans of…
Energy prices: The electricity discounters are back
power strip The lower prices on the energy exchanges are calling low-cost suppliers back onto the scene. (Photo: imago/Jochen Tack) Dusseldorf Anyone who has been looking for a new electricity…
Energy prices: The electricity discounters are back
power strip The lower prices on the energy exchanges are calling low-cost suppliers back onto the scene. (Photo: imago/Jochen Tack) Dusseldorf Anyone who has been looking for a new electricity…
Energy prices: The electricity discounters are back
power strip The lower prices on the energy exchanges are calling low-cost suppliers back onto the scene. (Photo: imago/Jochen Tack) Dusseldorf Anyone who has been looking for a new electricity…
Eon boss prepares consumers for continued high electricity prices
Berlin Electricity prices in daily trading have fallen by around two thirds since mid-December. Just 130 euros are currently due on the Leipzig Stock Exchange EEX for one megawatt hour…
Eon boss Leonhard Birnbaum is preparing consumers for further high prices
Berlin Electricity prices in daily trading have fallen by around two thirds since mid-December. Just 130 euros are currently due on the Leipzig Stock Exchange EEX for one megawatt hour…
Food prices: Federal Environment Agency insists on value-added tax
Berlin weekly market From the point of view of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), fruit, vegetables and grain should be completely exempt from VAT. (Photo: dpa) Berlin The debate about…
Food prices: Federal Environment Agency insists on value-added tax
Berlin weekly market From the point of view of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), fruit, vegetables and grain should be completely exempt from VAT. (Photo: dpa) Berlin The debate about…
Call for the cartel office: Is district heating too expensive?
Berlin Politicians in the traffic light coalition are calling for the Federal Cartel Office to intervene in view of the sometimes drastically increased district heating prices. The Cartel Office must…
Horrendous additional payments and increased deductions alarm politicians
Berlin Politicians in the traffic light coalition are calling for the Federal Cartel Office to intervene in view of the sometimes drastically increased district heating prices. The Cartel Office must…
Horrendous additional payments and increased deductions alarm politicians
Berlin Politicians in the traffic light coalition are calling for the Federal Cartel Office to intervene in view of the sometimes drastically increased district heating prices. The Cartel Office must…