When did the electric car enter our lives?

your electric car You might think it’s a very new invention. But actually internal combustion It was decades before the first automobile was born. Of course, with battery These first wonders working were crude to say the least.

An electric future awaits the automotive industry. Every day, we see developments in battery and motor technologies. But will it be our first choice? Time will show that…

World record in electric car charging time!

Electric cars are getting ready to bury another excuse in history. Here is the world’s fastest electric car charging station…

Could the future of the industry be electric cars?

First working electric vehicle ever built, first ever built in America DC inventor of the (direct current) electric motor Thomas to Davenport attributed . Davenport built a small locomotive consisting of a battery, a pivot, and two electromagnets. This event in 1834 or 1835 took place.

With the help of both his brother and wife, Davenport built his DC motor and his own battery, step by step. His wife, Emily Davenport, even sacrificed her wedding dress by cutting it into strips to insulate the wires of her new engine. When he started the engine, Davenport asked for confirmation of his invention. US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) He fought a long and hard battle with

The USPTO had never previously patented an electrical device. Therefore, he was skeptical and inexperienced in licensing his invention. Davenport had to recruit scientists and gather their testimonials to prove the authenticity of his work. USPTO 1837He patented Davenport in .


With the patent in hand, Davenport began selling his invention to buyers and investors. However batteries cannot be charged and at that time DC motor could not be produced expensive He couldn’t convince anyone. Unfortunately, Davenport never found customers for his high-tech engine, and he died penniless in 1851 at the age of 48.

In the following period, while the electric car sector grew rapidly, electric taxi fleets in Paris as well as in New York introduced. However, in the 1900s Ford The electric car fell out of favor as his company mass-produced affordable petrol cars.

The initiative that changed everything was launched in 2003. Tesla Motors with its establishment. With this initiative, the sales of electric cars, which have regained their former interest, continue to increase rapidly.

So what do you think about the development of electric cars? We welcome your ideas in the comments.

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