What’s on SDN editor Yağmur’s phone?

Our guest this time in our video series “What’s on your phone?” SDN editor was Rain. In the video, we took a closer look at what happened on Yağmur’s phone.

What’s on SDN editor Yağmur’s phone?

SDN editor Samet Jankovic took a look at what’s happening on another of our editors, Yağmur’s iPhone 12 Pro Max. If you wish, let’s leave you alone with the video without further ado.


Rain; He said that he used almost 100+ applications on his phone with 256GB of storage and downloaded all the applications that appeared in the interstitial ads. Our editor, whose phone is full of applications that he does not use, most often uses Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram and Snapchat.

Showing the applications on your phone sincerely in our video SDN editor RainAlthough he did not want to share the messages sent to his Instagram account, the fact that he had more than 1000 follow-up requests surprised Samet. The next ‘What’s on your phone?’ Our video will be with you soon.

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