What’s Hidden Under the Sahara Desert? There’s More Than Sand!

When we think of Sahara, we think of endless sand landscapes and camels. Well, have you ever thought about what is hidden under this huge desert consisting of sand piles?

The seas constantly fluctuate on the shore, grinding rocks and sand over thousands or millions of years. Whether there is anything under the sand in the deserts, Of course, the answer to the question of what it is, if it exists, varies from desert to desert.

It is the largest tropical desert in the world and attracts the attention of tourists. What lies beneath the sands of the Sahara is really interesting. If you are ready, after learning a little about the Sahara Desert, let’s go on an exploration under its sands.

It is useful to get a few basic information about the Sahara Desert:

  • The world’s largest tropical desert.
  • of North Africa almost all It covers.
  • Turkey’s surface area about twelve times in size.
  • Approximately nine million kilometer.
  • It spans twelve countries.
  • Camels, fennec foxes, meerkats, snakes, lizards and various insects is hosting.
  • Nowadays mostly nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle is maintained.
  • ancient ruins, to ethnic cultures and has a rich history.

The Sahara Desert, which covers about a quarter of Africa, was green until six thousand years ago.


In the ancient times of the Sahara, which we now know only as a desert, there were lakes, meadows, settlements and animals. The area of ​​the largest lake is one hundred eight thousand square kilometers was lying down.

All this means that in ancient times the Sahara was more than a desert. A lush paradise with rich vegetation that nourishes animals and plants and indicates that it was a large settlement.

There were also many different animal fossils and human artifacts.


Numerous catfish, whales, sea snakes, dinosaur fossils and even human artifacts have also been found deep in the Sahara. It seems that in the Old Stone Age people near water source They established settlements.

Map view of river beds

One of the discovered river beds was over five hundred kilometers long. According to researchers, if water were still flowing from this huge bed twelfth longest river in the world it could happen!

One of those hidden in the Sahara Desert was the earliest homo sapiens fossil.

homo sapien

The human fossil discovered in the Sahara Desert disrupts human history as we know it. took me back another hundred thousand years and our species dates back three hundred and fifteen thousand years It showed.


In addition, people appeared to be swimming in pictures drawn on the cave walls in the desert. In other words, it was once again proven that the Sahara is rich in water. Based on this How much biodiversity can there be? We can understand.

The mystery beneath the sands of the Sahara is still not over.

In other words, the Sahara, which we cannot say is very hospitable due to its climate, has actually hosted people, animals and plants for centuries. There’s probably a lot more we don’t know, but digging through the sand of the Sahara, to the desert ecosystem We don’t have enough information because it will cause serious damage.

You can check out our other content about deserts:


You Will Be Surprised When You Learn How Deserts, Which You Think Are Formed By Just Accumulating Sands, Actually Arise!


How Could the “Whale” Fossils Found in the Middle of the Deserts Get There?


What could be this strange object found in the middle of the desert whose mystery cannot be solved? Not a Historical Ruin!

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