What’s at the Root of Your Fear of Public Speaking?

Everyone has had to speak in public at least once in their life. Others may be terribly afraid of doing this. This fear is called glossophobia.

People with glossophobiamay experience tremors, rapid heartbeat and sweating during public speaking. It can put you in a difficult situation when your body reacts like this while everyone is waiting for you to say something.

In such a situation, you may want to leave the environment you are in, so to speak, run away from there. However, there is a detail you should not forget that glossophobia is only social phobia a product. So it’s something that can be overcome.

speaking in public, social anxiety Because it triggers this feeling, it can make those who experience it feel inadequate.

in front of others the fear of not knowing what to say, it can prevent those who live with this fear from getting involved in communities.

Glossophobia feels like we have to defend ourselves against a perceived threat!


Glossophobia, waking in panic fight and flight response feeling like. Triggering such an emotion can suspend all the work done at that moment. For example, when you are just about to start a presentation in front of a group, your adrenaline and steroid hormones can be secreted, causing your energy to drop.

This can make the conversation messy. In short, a person with high blood pressure, low blood sugar, nausea, having difficulty in breathing, dizzy and burning with the feeling of escape, can express himself as much as possible. Although most people with this condition think they are inadequate, it’s not true need to know.

You think you have a phobia of public speaking, but the situation is different…


Speaking in front of others is not a cause for fear in itself, but rather the result of another emotion. In this case to the root of your fear Let’s say you need to get off.

If speaking in front of others feels like torment, you’re probably more likely to avoid being judged, shamed, and from being rejected you are afraid.


Maybe you think that what you have to say is not worth listening to. In fact, the fact that you think that your stance in front of others depends on a good performance also forms the basis of this fear. Today, people also have a certain performance and certain behavioral patterns. Since they are expected to comply, we may feel compelled to control our every move.

‘To talk’ It is also one of the behaviors that we control in social life. So to solve glossophobia specific strategies What would you think if we told you it was?

Controlling glossophobia may be possible by normalizing the tension created by public speaking.


When most people will be speaking in public afraid of making mistakes Knowing that you can avoid it is the most basic step in overcoming this phobia. Knowing that this has happened to your followers at least once can be satisfying enough to relax.

Not to give a perfect speechFocusing only on the moment of speaking reduces anxiety a bit. Before giving a speech, you can present to people you know, you can make some preliminary preparations.


If you still feel tension during the conversation or your body does not relax, you can smile, pause your sentences at regular intervals and ask questions to the audience. In this way, you will create a fun chat environment and feel free to to the feeling of familiarity you can better manage your presentation

Overcoming glossophobia Although it seems possible to change the way of thinking, people who experience severe physical symptoms should see a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Experts say that drugs such as antidepressants can be effective in such cases. However, it is still important for the person to receive long-term psychotherapy in order to overcome social anxiety.

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