What You Need To Do To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

What position should we sleep in to get the best quality sleep? What kind of pillow should we sleep on? Let’s take a look at the key points to get a good night’s sleep together.

All living things need sleepIt is also of great importance to people. Adequate sleep benefits both our mental and physical health. Experts also It can reduce our stress and elevate our mood, make us more resistant to diseases, and even improve our relationships with people. He says it will affect him.

So, what should we do to get the best quality sleep? Which in position Does it matter if we sleep? Research on these topics answers many questions, from the importance of our position for better sleep to how we should choose pillows.

For a good sleep we need a large space to allow us to move.

A paper by Assistant Professor Christian Moro of Bond University in Australia and PhD student Charlotte Phelps examines what it takes to get quality sleep. As you know, most of us lying right or left We prefer to sleep. According to experts, this is a good thing because people who sleep on their backs have more trouble sleeping than others and spend the night in breathing can have difficulty.

If you’re sleeping with a partner and experiencing distress, researchers say. change your side on the bed or buy a bigger bed suggests. Also, that you don’t have to pinch yourself and you can move to either side. over a wide area Emphasis is placed on what you need.

Many people usually at night don’t move too much tends to. A study of 664 people revealed that people spend 54% of their time in bed sleeping on their side, 37% on their back, and 7% on their face. It is also seen that men, especially those under the age of 35, change positions more at night than women and are more peaceful.


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This is not a bad thing because our body adjusts itself to positions that will prevent any pain or discomfort during the night. Therefore, we do not usually encounter problems such as bedsores in our daily lives.

So what’s the best sleeping position?

Experts say that there is no definitive research on the best sleeping position; however ‘being comfortable’ draws attention to the key point. Well, your age, weight, environment, whether you are pregnant or not, your activities Factors like this can help you find the best sleeping position to get a good night’s sleep. Some studies show that we need to make changes within the position we choose. For example, some positions that affect the shape of the spine can cause us to wake up with more pain in the morning.

Although some positions put a strain on the spine, researchers to lie on our side He says it’s better overall than other options.

What kind of pillow should we sleep on?

Pillows are just as important as the positions for a quality sleep. While the lack of support for the head and neck during sleep affects the spine badly, it can cause problems such as neck and shoulder pain.

The researchers found that the cushion material did not affect the spine, but rather shape and height of the pillow. He says it’s important. While ‘U’-shaped pillows allow for a longer sleep, sleeping with a roll-shaped pillow can reduce the pain of people suffering from chronic pain.


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In addition which your bed Considering that everyone sleeps differently, there is no definitive answer about the most suitable one. However, it should be mentioned that there are bad beds. According to the explanations, conditions such as beds that lose their hardness, noise from springs, wear and tear can affect your sleep badly. And also turning your bed once or twice a yearIt can help the mattress last longer and help you get a better quality sleep.

Other tips for a quality sleep: Pay attention to the temperature of the room, do not go to bed without toileting.

Here are a few more tips for getting a good night’s sleep. According to researchers, high temperatures can negatively affect sleep; Therefore, the ideal temperature 18 degree It should be around. Moreover, allow air flow and let fresh air into the room is also important.

Adding that stimulants such as caffeine significantly affect the quality of sleep, scientists say that they can finally interrupt sleep. not to sleep without going to the toilet says. In other words, being careful not to go to bed with your bladder full is critical for quality sleep.


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