What would TV series/movie characters look like if they were kids?

“What would the legendary characters we know from the screens look like if they were children?” The question was answered with the help of Midjourney.

We can say that artificial intelligence has started to show us its true potential in recent years. First of all, the development of the assistants on our phones, then the ones that turn the commands we give into visuals. DALL-E and midjourney It was noteworthy that such systems were taking the world by storm. By using these systems, we present different contents, and at the same time, we convey different interesting posts to you.

This time, we know from the TV series/film world. iconic We have compiled the images created by bringing the characters together with artificial intelligence. These characters if they were a baby/child how would they look? In these images, which were released in response to the question, you will see that even the characters that the vast majority describe as ugly suddenly become sweet. Without further ado, let’s move on to the visuals.

When you see Star Wars characters like this, all seriousness is thrown aside and it seems like everything was born out of a toy fight.

Harry Potter characters look like they’re straight out of Disney

It seems like there isn’t much seriousness left in Lord of the Rings either. After this, the ring that squirts the most water is in question.

‘Game of Thrones’ makes more sense when you look at the cast like this

And finally, we have cute and cute The Office characters.


We Put ChatGPT, the Artificial Intelligence that Answers Everything, into KPSS, Its Circuits Are Burned!

You can reach the account of benmornin user, who created the images with the help of midjourney, from the relevant link. Which of the images was your favourite?

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