What Was the Purpose of “Fat Boy Clubs” in America?

It might sound a little weird, even offensive, we admit. But once upon a time there were indeed “fat men’s clubs”! And people were eating to the fullest while socializing in this club.

In this club, which would beat tons of lynchings in Turkey, people seem very happy with their situation. These communities that left their mark on the 1900sconsisted of only overweight men.

“You’re fat and we’re making the most of it!” The clubs, which became famous with their slogans, carried out the body affirmation that exists in the world today, back then.

The first fat men’s club was founded in New York in 1869.

The members of this community, which first emerged in America, continued to grow while proudly representing their members. Clubs like this after America It also spread to European countries such as Germany and France. The purpose of the clubs was to socialize, make peace with their weight, and most importantly, get together and eat tons of food.

their weight just like a carried it like a medal of honor and they did the body affirmations that exist today at that time. Fine, but was the purpose of this club’s meeting just to eat?

The purpose of fat men’s clubs was actually like any club you can think of.

fat boy club

Just like the club societies that people who want to improve their cognitive skills and socialize apply, the fat men’s club was gathered around the same goal. At the end of the day, people who socialized became close to people who were similar to each other. But you appreciate that not a long-term community these too.

common a few of the clubs: New England Fat Men’s Club, Jolly Fat Men’s Club, United Association of the Heavy Men of New York State, the Heavy Weights and Les Cent Kilos (France).

In order to become a member of the club, the participants organized fun activities.

fat man

The most popular of these events It was a weigh-in race. All the men would line up and be weighed in succession. It was actually kind of luck. Because at the end of the day, the person who was chosen the largest was winning gold as a prize. In addition, different organizations were organized for gathering purposes such as picnics.

But as in everything else, there were conditions to enter this club. First, it was necessary to weigh at least 90 kilograms. Many of the events the clubs would run also required a mandatory weight control. Thus, those under 90 kg were not eligible to enter the clubs. If he didn’t, he had to pay the club money.

Apart from that, members also paid money to the club.

This fee is usually It was a small amount, like 1 dollar. The more surprising part for the clubs is that; If you are not under 90 kg, this weight represents well-being. That meant you were well enough to eat and gain weight. Therefore, members would have to pay a fee.

Was there such a club for women?

There were also such clubs for women. but it was not very popular. In fact, according to information given, the weight criterion of one of the fat women’s clubs reached 108 kg.

In the early 1920s, the popularity of these fat clubs began to wane. At the beginning of these years obesity became a bigger problem and food became more readily available. America’s industrialization has brought with it more food than ever before, produced by work and agricultural machinery. All of this led to the gradual disappearance of the existence of such clubs.

fat men clubsThis is the last major event in history to mark a period in which obesity was openly acknowledged and even glorified. Body positivity is, of course, a wonderful thing. However, it is quite clear that these clubs would not be so warmly welcomed today.


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