What Is This Quantum Physics, What Does It Do?

We all know about quantum physics, right? In other words, we have at least heard the name because saying I know the answer to the question of what is quantum physics is like saying I have solved the secret of the universe. For those who are curious, we answered the question of what is quantum physics in the simplest way and explained the details you need to know about the subject.

Especially in recent years, the concept of quantum has become ubiquitous. in science fiction works about quantum physics We are used to seeing things, but by approaching this branch of science from different angles, we also see that it is distorted for popular purposes. Yeah, quantum physics a branch of science. Moreover, it is not an area that can be solved by reading a few books. Studies on the subject date back to a hundred years ago.

What is quantum physics There is no short and clear answer to the question, but there are some basic principles that should be known about the subject. Scientists are also working on these basic principles and are trying to solve the mysterious world of the quantum. Quantum physics Let’s examine the question more closely and see what we can learn about the field of study of this branch of science in the light of the basic principles put forward by scientists.

What is quantum physics?

As we said, it is difficult to give a clear answer to this question, but basically, quantum physics; matter and light at the atomic or even subatomic level. It is a branch of science that studies behavior. Quantum physics also observes the movements of particles such as electrons, quarks, protons, neutrons and gluons with each other and under the influence of light, x-rays and gamma rays.

Quantum physics studies starting with Albert Einstein:

Albert Einstein

Although he has many studies on the subject, the main field of the famous scientist Albert Einstein is not quantum physics, but physics. Einstein’s revolution in physics The theory of relativity, or relativity, evaluates the laws of physics within the framework of the space-time relationship in unchanging patterns. This situation is completely against quantum physics.

Everything that happens in quantum physics, as we know it now, is random. So exactly no one knows what’s going on This situation is accepted as the opposite of the theory of relativity. Quantum physics studies started in a similar period with Albert Einstein’s theory and four basic principles were put forward. These;

  • Quantitative properties
  • light particles
  • matter waves
  • uncertainty principle

Quantitative properties

what is quantum physics

German physicist Max Planck, in his work in 1900, found on a certain spectrum.n to describe the distribution of colors developed an equation. With this equation, which we know as Planck’s Constant today, light was quantified, that is, it became mathematical. This showed that light behaved like a wave contrary to what was known. In the following years, quantifying physical properties became one of the main principles of quantum physics.

light particles

what is quantum physics

Albert Einstein published an article in 1905 in which he argued that light is not a wave but a kind of energy quantum. In this article since each atom can jump as a whole is mentioned. In the following years, when the amount of energy obtained by this jump was divided by the Planck Constant, it was determined that the color of this light that bounced appeared. The particles of light we call photons today show us that light can be both a wave and a particle. Just like all things in the quantum field.

matter waves

what is quantum physics

After the discovery of the electron in 1896, it was accepted that the atom has a particulate structure. However, when it was revealed that light could be a wave, scientists realized that whether it applies to atoms They were curious and did research on the subject.

Studies conducted by different scientists over the years have shown that the atom makes a wave motion around its nucleus. This is the case in quantum physics. everything as waves and particles It paved the way for the evaluation view, was accepted as one of the most important principles and formed the field of quantum chemistry.

uncertainty principle

what is quantum physics

Even if there are some constants like Planck’s Constant, the most fundamental principle of quantum physics is uncertainty. such that the exact position and velocity of an electron Even if we do know, we may not actually know. This uncertainty principle, which is somewhat confusing, also paves the way for parallel universe theories. That is, an object can exist in two different places at the same time.

The theory, called Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, is much more successful on small objects. Quantum physics detects the position of an atom much more successfully than the position of a baseball. sensitivity required to detect It is 0.000000000000000000000000000000008 millimeters. In short, things are pretty complicated.


Light and Magic Science: 6 Simple Details About Quantum Physics You Must Know

In the simplest terms, what does quantum physics do?

what is quantum physics

Quantum physics, at least for now, does not work on objects that we encounter in daily life. quantum field We can see it as a different world. The laws of physics we know do not operate in this area. For this reason, quantum physicists continue their work in the quantum field, mostly through mathematical operations.

The most striking principle among the principles of quantum physics is uncertainty. A thing may or may not be, or it may be both. Although this definition sounds like the words of someone talking about something they don’t understand, matter can be in different states at the same time. because it has been proven we have to accept this meaningless definition as a scientific fact.

So, what do quantum physics studies aim at? If we can solve for atoms to be in different states at the same time, If we can predict the motion of an atom outside of the uncertainty principle, In short, if we can understand what is happening in this small world, we can safely say that there will be no mystery in the universe anymore. We can encounter science fiction scenarios such as the formation process of the world, time travel, journeys exceeding the speed of light and many more in our real life.

For the curious, we answered the question of what is quantum physics and about quantum physics with the simplest explanation We told you the details you need to know. As we said, it is quite difficult to explain the subject in a few sentences, even for experts in this field. You can have much more detailed information on the subject by reading scientific articles describing different theories on the information you have obtained from here.

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