What Is The ‘Retinoid’ In Anti-Aging Skin Care Products?

What are retinoids, one of the popular anti-aging skin care ingredients that some of us hear frequently, and the effect they create on the skin; We explain the differences between derivatives such as retinol and retinal.

Our skin ages with less and slow production of the building blocks inside the skin, such as moisture, elasticity and collagen. humidity and loss of elasticity Environmental factors such as harmful UV rays, stress in city life, sleep and lifestyle play an important role in the aging of our skin.

Everyone has different reactions to aging. For some of us it is the end of the world, for others it is a natural event. Those who do not want to undergo plastic surgery and wanting to age many people generally prefer skin care products. One of them is retinoids, one of the most effective ingredients.

Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A and slow down aging.

Among the ingredients of all skin care and cosmetic products, retinoids, the most effective and functional ingredient, are actually versions of vitamin A. In long-term use; slows down aging and effective in acne treatment content that has been scientifically proven to play a role. Since it is applied to the skin, it also contains regenerative properties at the cell level and triggering the regeneration of ingredients such as collagen that is no longer produced in the skin. generally repairing the skin barrier and skin rejuvenation properties slows down aging. It ensures that the users of this product get quality age.

Retinoic acid, retinal, retinol are actually all forms of retinoids.

skin care

We hear many confusing similar terms like retinal, retinoic acid, retinol. Although they have different names, they all mean almost the same thing. They are named differently just because they have different forms. Retinoids this factor generic name of content. Let’s explain with a simple example: Orchid, tulip, lily special naming. The term flower is a name given to all these plants.

There are prescription drug versions of retinoids available.

retinoids and acne treatment before and after image

The most effective form of retinoids is called retinoic acid. Retinoic acids are an effective drug that is often used in the treatment of acne problems on the skin. This type of retinoid is a medicine that can only be applied under the supervision of a doctor. therapeutic product.

Although it is the most effective type of retinoid on the market, it is also the most affordable. However, when we use it unconsciously, it is a content that can cause more harm to the skin instead of eliminating the problem on the skin.

There are 3 different forms of retinoids in the cosmetic industry.

retinol products

The most effective form after retinoic acid is retinals, retinols and retinyl esters, respectively. After a while, these ingredients are applied to the skin. it reacts. To achieve the desired effect, As a final step, they are converted to retinoic acid. Let’s explain with an example: Let’s take someone using retinal. Since it is a retinal effective form, it is much easier to convert to retinoic acid and provides more effect in a shorter time. In this case, someone who uses the product containing retinyl esters observes similar effects in a longer time. Because retinyl esters are in the last step and there are three steps in front of them to convert to retinoic acid.

Retinal is the second strongest form after retinoic acid.

retinal serums

Retinals are also known as retinaldehyde. on the market one of the most powerful and expensive skincare ingredients this form. It is one of the strongest fighters of retinoids in the cosmetic field, and only a few brands have such ingredients on the market. Retinal converts directly to the form of retinoic acid, providing a higher effect on the skin.

Retinols, the most common type of retinoid used

loreal retinol serum image

Retinol and retinal form are the most confused concepts as if they are the same thing. Although both are retinoids; The difference between them is the rate of conversion to retinoic acid and the step at which it reacts. Retinal acts 11 times faster than retinol.

The last form to convert to retinoic acid is retinyl esters.

Retinyl Esters sample product

Retinyl esters are ingredients in 4 different forms. Retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, retinyl propionate, retinyl linoleate Available in 4 different forms. Retinyl esters in this form are less effective than the other two types. It is one of the suitable ingredients for starter products that can be used to accustom the skin for the first time use. The difference compared to retinal and retinol is that it creates a detox effect rather than a deep effect on the skin.

As a result, if we sum up; retinoids are among the ingredients that have proven to be very effective in removing many skin problems. Of course, not every skin has to use this product. Because not every skin is the same age and has the same problems. Therefore, not everyone’s skin can tolerate the same products. We have briefly described each type of retinoid so that only those who know their own skin and what it needs can assist in the selection of ingredients. Please note when using any type of retinoids. Don’t forget to use sunscreen.

Sources: National Library of Medicine, Vitamin A article


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