What is the other person telling you with their body language?

Humanity is a civilization that has evolved for thousands of years. In this process, they developed various ways of communication. One of the oldest ways of communication is body language. When you can understand body language, you can more accurately predict what the other person is feeling at that moment. Today we’re going to dive deep into body language and touch on some key points.

Although we have come to the point of forgetting due to the coronavirus pandemic, we humans are next to voice communication. with our body language We also communicate. Although many people do not know how their body language leaves an impression, even the smallest action we take can reflect differently on the other side. Have you ever wondered what kind of messages the people in front of us give us with their behavior and behavior in a face-to-face conversation?

Today, it is the only reason for misunderstandings due to the lack of telephone and computer, which are at least as important as verbal communication. We will try to answer all the questions about our body language. We will also explain some important body language gestures and their meanings. If you’re ready, let’s get started:

What is body language?

Body language is a very important communication tool that we humans use all the time, but not many of us know about. From body posture to eye movements Body language, which covers a very wide area, is also an important tool in terms of seeing real emotions apart from what we express verbally.

If you can read the body language of the other person correctly, of his feelings for you At that moment, you can become aware of many things, up to the feelings that he is experiencing within himself. For example, it is possible to predict whether the person you like likes you or not, based on the body movements he displays while talking to you.

What is the other person telling you with their body language?

  • The eyes are the mirror of the heart
  • A little smile can solve many things
  • Open arms deliver important messages during conversation
  • Touches ending in “sorry”
  • If the arms are tangled, there is a problem.
  • Leaders’ choice: Putting their fingertips together
  • Focus mode is turned on when the hand is placed on the cheek
  • If hands are being shaken, new opportunities may have been found.
  • Raising eyebrows can tell a lot
  • Projected gestures are the harbinger of persuasion.
  • If the other person is looking at his watch while talking, there is a problem.
  • The intensity and shape of the handshake can mean a lot in terms of personality.

The eyes are the mirror of the heart

body language eyes

One of the first places you should look when you want to understand the body language of the person in front of you. eyes income. It is usually possible to understand what a person is feeling at that moment just by looking into their eyes. For example, the person in front of you makes eye contact and then averts his eyes, It could mean that he likes you.

In the same way, you can understand from the eyes that the other person is lying. If the person you are talking to If he blinks frequently and cannot look you in the eye, it may indicate that he is lying. Of course, at this point, let’s provide important information; People who finished their master’s degree and started a doctorate in lying can hold their gaze much longer so that they do not blink and be convincing.

A little smile can solve many things


One of the best expressions the human body can make smileis frequently among the most important areas of body language. For example, if a woman likes a man, they let out small smiles that aren’t too loud. Also, if the person in front of you is smiling sincerely at you. from your sense of humor it means he likes it.

Open arms deliver important messages during conversation

man with open arms

Every action we perform in body language can mean different things. One of these actions talk with open armsindicates that you are interested in the other person. Of course, other than these, the ways you hold your arms can also produce different results. For example, holding your arms crossed may indicate that you are indifferent to the subject.

Touches ending in “sorry”

touch body language

One of the “intentional” examples of body language, “accidentally touchr” is a method that women generally use to show their interest in men. These fine touches on the hand and arm areas may be a sign of the desire to take the relationship between the two to a new level. Of course, this may also be the wrong touch. By saying “Oh look, he touched me” We recommend that you do not get into misunderstandings.If the other person has an interest in you, you can also observe different actions apart from small touches.

Leaders’ choice: Putting their fingertips together

join the fingertips

This is often used by names such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel. body language method informs the other party that he/she has authority and control. If the other person brings their fingertips together while talking to you, it means that they are showing you that they have authority and control.

Focus mode is turned on when hands start to move our heads


One of the most effective and understandable body language actions is put our hands on our cheeks These are the attitudes we exhibit when we start listening to the person in front of us. If the person in front of you is taking such an action, it shows us that you take what you say seriously enough to think about it.

If hands are rubbed, new opportunities may be found.


If the other person is speaking if he rubs his hands what does this mean? If a person is standing in front of you with a small smile, it probably indicates that he is excited and has found new opportunities.

Raising eyebrows can tell a lot

To be shocked

One of the most used body language is the act of raising the eyebrows. A person who raises his eyebrows, He may be surprised, as well as waiting for the answer to the question he asked. it could be. You have to understand this according to the structure and course of the conversation.

Projected gestures are the harbinger of persuasion.

the art of reflection

Imagine you are in a meeting. You are trying to persuade the other person for a job. So, how do you know whether the interview is positive or negative from his attitudes and actions, apart from his rhetoric? This is where body language comes into play. the person next to you started to do the same things you didmeans that you are convinced of the subject you are talking about.


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If the other person is looking at his watch while talking, there is a problem.

Look at the clock

When the other person is talking to you if he’s looking at his watchKnow that he has better things to do with you at that moment and he wants to get away as soon as possible. If he doesn’t have a really important job that you know, this action can be interpreted as disrespect towards you.


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The intensity and shape of the handshake can mean a lot in terms of personality.

Shake hands

Shaking hands can convey important messages from everyday life to great authorities. A lot people with weak handshakes While there may be a lack of trust and authority, a very tight handshake indicates a dominant character and an aggressive approach. Don’t forget how the other person’s handshake can react to you.