What is the “Glass Ceiling” that Women Face in Business Life?

There is a problem that we want to talk about on March 8, International Women’s Day, that is always present in women’s lives, even if we do not see it; glass ceiling…

Unfortunately, even today it is obvious that women do not have equal opportunities with men in business life. For women; They are emotional, they cannot handle things, they will panic, they do not have leadership skills. like; All these characteristics that society has revealed and made people believe in, but have no basis for, are encountered by women in business life.

As long as you believe in these patterns “self-fulfilling prophecy” continues to exist as such. In fact, many women are caught up in these social norms and continue their lives without realizing their potential. The “glass ceiling” that we will explain shortly proves this…

What is this glass ceiling?

The term “glass ceiling” was first used in 1978; preventing certain individuals from being promoted to higher levels within an employment organization or receiving equal pay a figurative and invisible barrier it states.

It is generally used to describe the difficulties women face when trying to move to higher positions in the male-dominated hierarchy, but today the scope of this term has been expanded and minority groups It also started to be used for.

For example, the fact that only white people can occupy top positions in a company where there are blacks and whites, regardless of gender, is an example of a glass ceiling. All these obstacles or difficulties mentioned are not written down. Socially accepted norms and prejudices It continues its existence by emerging through

Some examples of glass ceilings:

international women's day

  • The management of most companies with 50% female employees 90% men form.
  • Positions such as CEO, CFO, COO are only 23% It consists of women.
  • In the same position, There can be a difference between the salaries of a man and a woman who have worked for the same years.

We can explain that the glass ceiling really exists with a very simple example.

glass ceiling

In a study, it was found that when all information that would reveal gender in a job application, such as name or gender information, was turned off, women’s preference rates decreased. increased up to 46% was seen. However, when genders are clearly visible, male candidates are twice as likely to be preferred as females.

The sad part is that many people do not make these choices or discrimination intentionally.

8 march

The social norms imposed on women are now so ingrained in us that we unconsciously and automatically continue to support a male-dominated society. Even women unfortunately believe in gender stereotypes and is included in this wheel. “I am a woman anyway, it is not possible for me to reach high positions.” He starts to think and learned helplessness emerges.

However, even though history does not write down many of them with great care, There are many examples of women who have been able to break the glass ceiling. In fact, let’s leave the content below about some of the women who make us proud with their success:


Women Leaders Directing Technology Both in the World and in Turkey


So glad to have you: 20 Turkish Scientists Who Made Their Names Written in Golden Letters in History with Their Achievements


Who is Marie Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for her work and the discoverer of the element radium?


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