What is the Ahi Organization, When Was It Established, What Are Its Duties?

Although it is an institution identified with the Ottoman Empire, the ahi organization, which is actually an older structure than the state, has a strong religious foundation and aims to spread Islam among the Turks, although it is seen as a tradesman union. Let’s examine in all details the questions that are curious about what is the ahi organization and when it was founded.

Turks started to come to Anatolia with the 11th century and this process accelerated after the 1071 Malazgirt victory. Even if they established some small organizations among themselves, the Ahi organization was established because they did not meet at least on a common ground religiously and because Islam wanted to spread. Although the Ahi organization was identified with the Ottoman Empire, In fact, its history goes back much further.

It is correct to define the Ahi organization as an artisan organization, but since this organization is based on religion, it should be evaluated from a different perspective. The ahi organization, which is said to have harmed the Ottoman Empire from time to time, is actually the beginning of the Turkish-Islamic tradition. disappeared with the entry of non-Muslims into commercial life. What is the ahi organization, when was it founded? Let’s take a look at the frequently asked questions in detail.

What is the Ahi organization, when was it founded, what are its duties?

Let’s start with the basics, what is the ahi organization?

Ahi organization is the first tradesmen’s union established by Turks in Anatolia. This unit consisted of Muslim Turks. Those who joined the organization were given training and it was ensured that they had a profession. As there were many rules for entering the Ahi organization, there were also rules to be followed in order to stay together. The ahi organization played an extremely important role in the establishment of the Ottoman Empire.

Who founded the Ahi organization?

Ahi Evran, who took lessons from important Islamic scholars in Baghdad, came to Anatolia in 1205. Ahi Evran, who met Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli here, He saw that Islam was not that widespread among the Turks and that there was no unity among those who did. He established the ahi organization with the encouragement of Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli both to ensure this unity and to spread Islam among the Turks faster.

Although it is not known for certain, it is thought that the ahi organization was first established in Kırşehir. The word Ahi means brother in Arabic. From this point to say that the ahi organization is a brotherhood possible. This union, which was established with the encouragement of Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, is connected to the Bektashi tradition, which forms the basis of the Turks’ understanding of Islam.

When was the Ahi organization founded?

It is clearly stated in many sources that Ahi Evran came to Anatolia in 1205. However, it is known exactly when the ahi organization was founded. The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299. If we consider that the ahi organization and the ahi organization had an important role in this organization, it is possible to say that the ahi organization was established in the intervening few decades.

ahi organization

Why was the Ahi organization established?

Ahi Evran was a tradesman’s union founded by the Arabs while he was studying in Baghdad. Influenced by the Fütüvvet Organization and he wanted to establish a similar one in Anatolia. The Fütüvvet Organization, like the Ahi organization, set certain rules for the tradesmen and allowed them to trade in accordance with Islamic values.

The primary purpose of the Ahi organization is to ensure that tradesmen do business in accordance with Islamic rules. However, another important founding purpose is to To spread Islam among the Turks. Non-Muslims could not join the Ahi organization. Tradesmen who could not enter this organization could not benefit from many advantages and had to pay higher taxes.

With the establishment of the Ottoman State, the importance of the ahi organization increased because the Ottoman Empire was an Islamic state and It was desired that the trade should be carried out accordingly. Since the Ahi organization had a master-apprentice relationship within itself, those who were outside of this organization were not seen as reliable by the public. For this reason, it is even said that the ahi organization damaged the Ottoman economy from time to time. Of course, the people who will make this evaluation are expert historians.


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ahi organization

What are the duties of the Ahi organization?

The main task of the Ahi organization was to determine the commercial rules. There were rules determined according to the work of different tradesmen. Tradesmen belonging to the Ahi organization, When he did not follow these rules, he was punished and even expelled. Among these rules, which prioritized the welfare of the people, were the basic rules such as how many grams of bread would be, which materials would be used in the products, material quality and social relations.

There were stages that everyone who joined the Ahi organization had to go through. These stages about both the religious knowledge of the person and the skill of the tradesman. would give an idea. The degrees in the Ahi organization are as follows;

  • Valiant
  • patch
  • apprentice
  • journeyman
  • Expert
  • ahi
  • Caliph
  • Sheikh
  • Shaykh-ul-Mashayih

ahi organization

What are the principles of the Ahi organization?

  • Binding the door of stinginess, opening the door of grace
  • To bind the door of oppression and cruelty, to open the door of hilim and mulâyemet
  • Binding the door of ambition, opening the door of contentment and consent
  • Connecting the door of satiety and taste, opening the door of piety
  • To bind the door to the side of the people, to open the door to the side of God
  • Connecting the Herzee and Delusional Door, Opening the Ingenuity Door
  • Binding the door of lies, opening the door of truth

Akhism and ahi organization were founded on these seven basic principles. These principles are valid both when entering the organization and These are the rules that are required to be followed while working in the organization. Non-Muslims, those who are not well known around, those who would discredit the organization, those who were proven to have committed adultery, murderers, thieves, tax officers and profiteers were not allowed in the Ahi organization. Those who were found to have done this kind of work would be expelled from the organization.

The results of the establishment of the Ahi organization:

  • It accelerated the Turkification of Anatolia and the spread of Islam.
  • It accelerated the transition of nomadic Turks to settled life.
  • It has been paved the way for Muslim Turks to do the things that were monopolized by non-Muslims.
  • It strengthened the bond between Muslim Turkish tradesmen.
  • It was ensured that trade remained strong even in difficult times such as the Mongol invasion.
  • Commercial ethics and religious structure were preserved.

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When was the Ahi organization abolished?

Just like its establishment, it is difficult to give an exact date for the abolition of the Ahi organization. However With the increase in the non-Muslim population after the Ottoman Empire became an empire, it had become impossible for trade to remain in the hands of Turks and Muslims alone. As a result of this situation, which became more and more widespread in the first quarter of the 18th century, the ahi organization gradually lost its importance and eventually disappeared.

Was the Ahi organization harmful to the Ottoman Empire?

Some historians claim that the ahi organization was as harmful as it was important for the Ottomans. Making it difficult for non-Muslims to trade, considering Bektashism as primary, interfering with the state with their numerical superiority, support the Janissary revolts Some cases like these confirm the thesis that this organization sometimes opposed the Ottoman state authority. However, like all historical facts, it is not possible to say that it is definitely harmful or beneficial for the ahi organization.

To spread Islam among the Turks and to determine commercial rules. What is the ahi organization, the first tradesman organization established by the Turks in Anatolia? We talked about the details you need to know about this organization by answering questions such as when was it founded. You can share your thoughts in the comments.


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