A rival to Sora from Google! Here are Veo, Imagen 3 and Music AI Sandbox

Google continues its work on productive artificial intelligence technologies without slowing down and adds a new dimension to creative work. The company introduced Veo, its most advanced model capable of producing high-definition video, and Imagen 3, its highest quality text-to-image model to date.

Google introduced its new generation artificial intelligence tools

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Veo is Google’s most capable video creation model to date. Capable of producing high-quality 1080p videos lasting over a minute, Veo offers a wide range of cinematic and visual styles. With an advanced understanding of natural language and visual semantics, Veo creates videos that closely represent the user’s creative vision. It can accurately reflect the user’s details and capture the tone in long commands.

Veo provides an unprecedented level of creative control by understanding cinematic terms like “timelapse” or “aerial shot of a landscape.” Able to create consistent and complete shots, Veo ensures that people, animals and objects move realistically throughout the shots.

Imagen 3

Imagen 3, Google’s highest quality text-to-image model, produces incredibly detailed and photorealistic images. Better interpreting user commands by understanding natural language, Imagen 3 can include small details from long commands and create text within an image.

Music AI Sandbox

Google continues to explore the role of artificial intelligence in the creation of art and music and is working with musicians, songwriters and producers in collaboration with YouTube. These collaborations shed light on the development of generative music technologies, including Lyria, Google’s most advanced AI music generation model.

Music AI Sandbox appears as a toolkit that supports music creativity. Sandbox opens up new space for creativity by allowing people to create new instrumental tracks from scratch, transform audio in new ways, and much more.

AI improvements

Google cares not only about technological progress, but also about developing artificial intelligence responsibly. It is taking a number of measures to address the challenges posed by generative technologies and enable people to work responsibly with AI-generated content.

For these technologies, Google works with the creative community and other stakeholders to gather insights and listen to feedback to develop and launch their technologies safely and responsibly.

With security testing, filters, limitations and security teams at the core of the development process, Google aims to unlock the creative potential of generative AI in an ethical and responsible way.

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