What is Substratum? What Does SUB Coin Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is the substrate? Substratum (SUB) is a decentralized, open source and Blockchain based hosting platform for website owners. cryptocoin.com As Substratum, we answered questions such as what is Substratum, what is SUB coin, what is it for, how to get it. Let’s examine this project, which offers cost-effective hosting service, together.

What is the substrate?

Substratum is a decentralized, open source hosting platform. This platform works with Blockchain technology and has a distributed architecture. Accordingly, the platform does not have a fixed hosting server. Each user participating in the network can serve as a hosting server if they meet certain conditions. These users open their computers as a network server by downloading the Substratum software to their computers. Website owners can host their websites on these distributed hosting servers in Substratum.

Substratum, which has a cryptocurrency called SUB coin, has big goals. Accordingly, the platform aims to change the world by being on every computer in the next ten years. So the target of the project is largely related to the Web3 concept. Web3 refers to a decentralized, distributed and fair internet environment. For many users, the term is the future of the internet. Substratum’s open source hosting infrastructure aims to help achieve this future as soon as possible.

What does the Substratum offer?

Substratum basically encourages the establishment of the decentralized internet world. This allows network users to share in computing resources. The network provides secure access to data worldwide using cryptography technologies. Thus eliminating the need to use privacy apps like VPN or Tor. The ecosystem consists of thousands of nodes scattered around the world. These nodes provide hosting services. Decentralized hosting is much cheaper than traditional companies. Also, it is more secure due to Blockchain technology.

What is SUBcoin? What does it do?

SUB coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Substratum network. This asset runs on the Ethereum Blockchain with the ERC-20 smart contract. So basically it is an Ethereum based token. Token is a payment method in Substratum’s hosting services. Users pay with SUB coin to purchase hosting service. In contrast, hosting providers within the network generate revenue through this cryptocurrency. In addition, SUB coin also allows developers to access various SDKs (software development kit).

What is the substrate? How to get SUB coin?

Substratum coin can be traded on HitBTC and Bitbns exchanges. Investors who want to buy SUB coins must access these exchanges and become a member, and then follow the purchase steps for SUB.

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