What is Plank Movement, How Is It Done, Does It Melt The Belly?

Dreaming of having sexy abs but wondering who’s going to try? You are right, this is not an easy task, but with the plank movement, you can at least take the first step towards your dream. Let’s take a closer look at what is the plank movement that you can do at home without using any tools, how to do it, and most importantly, does it melt the belly.

A fit body is everyone’s dream, but unfortunately it is only their dream, not their goal. Because if you aim to create a fit and healthy body, you can progress on this path. Many people postpone doing sports because they can’t find time or don’t want to spend thousands of dollars at the gym, but it’s a clear fact that this is an excuse. even if you only plank for a few minutes a day it will bring you closer to a tight body.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the plank movement is a true miracle. It especially comes to the rescue of those who are thinking about how to work which muscle, because almost all the muscles in your body are working with this movement. Moreover, you do not need to use any tools and if you do it regularly in a short time, you will get fast results. What is plank movement, what is it for, how to do it And of course, let’s take a closer look at the most frequently asked questions.

For those who don’t know, what is the plank move?

The plank movement can only be done wherever you want without any tools. It is a strength exercise that you can do using your own body weight. The plank movement, which is done by standing still in a push-up-like position, seems simple, but when you do it regularly, it is an exercise movement that works almost all the muscles in your body, especially the legs, chest and abdomen.

Fine, but what does the plank move do?

There are some exercise movements that need to be done in gyms with one or more equipment. There are some exercise moves; anywhere, anytime, without using any tools done with your own body weight only. Just like yoga and pilates. The plank movement is one of the power exercise movements in this class.

Plank movement helps you maintain balance by increasing your strength and endurance. Yes, maybe it won’t inflate your muscles, but it will strengthen them. Since it works almost all the muscles in your body, it accelerates the burning of fat and calories. Because it works all these muscles, it relieves your chronic low back, back and neck pain. As a result of all these, it allows you to release the hormone of happiness.

plank movement

So how do you do the plank move? Here is the step-by-step plank exercise:

  • Step #1: Before you begin, do warm-up exercises that will stretch all the muscles in your body.
  • Step #2: If you wish, you can lay a mat on the floor and wear shoes if your toes are sensitive.
  • Step #3: Get into a push-up position on a mat or non-slip surface.
  • Step #4: Stand on your elbows and tighten your abs.
  • Step #5: Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line.
  • Step #6: Feel your elbows, forearms, and toes carry the weight on the floor.
  • Step #7: Hold for as long as you can, breathing regularly.
  • Step #8: rest.
  • Step #9: Practice the movement for a certain time and number of sets according to your level.
  • Step #10: Plank regularly every day.

The answer to the question of how to make a plank is that simple. So you lie on the ground on your elbows and hold on as long as you can. The important thing is that your body is in a straight line and that you are squeezing your abdominal muscles. Challenge yourself but know your limits. You can massage your aching muscles during rest to avoid any injury. As you increase your level, you can also do side plank, mobile plank, plank on a single pole.

plank movement

What are the benefits of plank exercise that seem simple?

  • It does not cause pain as it does not put an extra load on the spine.
  • It reduces back and waist pain as it works the back muscles.
  • It accelerates calorie and fat burning.
  • Corrects hunched posture.
  • It works almost all your body muscles at the same time.
  • Improves your strength, endurance and balance skills.

Here are the most well-known benefits of the plank movement. Plank movement often does not go to the gym, desk worker and generally recommended for sedentary people. Especially if you have bad posture and hump due to working at a desk all the time, regular plank movements will take effect quickly.

What muscles does the plank exercise work and strengthen when done regularly?

  • Front, side, cross abdominal muscles
  • Waist and hip area
  • Shoulder and arm muscles
  • all leg muscles
  • Back and neck muscles
  • pectoral muscles

As soon as you start doing the plank movement, you will understand which muscles in your body are working, because especially If you are a sedentary person in daily life In a few seconds all your muscles will start to burn. You can do side plank to work the side abdominal muscles, and mobile plank to work the shoulder and arm muscles.

plank movement

How many calories does 1 minute plank burn, does it really work?

Plank is not an intense calorie-burning exercise. How many calories a 1-minute plank burns varies from person to person, but to give an example, a person weighing 70 kilograms At the end of 1 minute of plank, you will have lost an average of 3 – 10 calories. Running 1 kilometer also burns 60 calories, don’t get hung up on them.

The reason the plank movement is so effective is that it is a strength exercise that works your entire body at the same time, without using any tools. If you do not inflate your muscles, strengthen your muscles And if you want to have a much healthier body, be sure that you will feel the change even by doing plank movement.

We get it, it’s helpful, so how many minutes a day should you plank?

Frankly, even if we say let’s do it for ten minutes, unfortunately you will not be able to do it because even though the plank movement may seem simple, it is actually a really difficult strength exercise. Therefore On the first day, do three sets of 15-20 seconds. Increase this time by five seconds each day. Make sure to rest between sets. You won’t believe how your time is getting longer as the days go by.

plank movement

Let’s come to the subject that everyone is curious about; Does plank exercise burn fat or belly fat?

I don’t know what walking is, I don’t get up from my desk, I can’t do sports or anything, but let’s say you did plank. Congratulations, your fat will be blazing hot. Plank movement is a strength exercise that seems simple, but because it works your whole body, it will speed up your metabolism and thus the fat burning process will also accelerate.

We cannot say yes to the answer to the question of whether the belly melts. Because contrary to what is known, you cannot melt your belly by working your abdominal muscles. Yes, your abdominal muscles will get stronger, but the fat does not melt easily. To melt the belly, you should do regular cardio, stay away from carbohydrates and sugar. If you exercise regularly, eat healthy and plank, then you can have the sexy abs of your dreams.

It works almost all the muscles in your body at the same time. what is the plank movement, what is it for, how to do it, does it melt the belly We talked about what you need to know about this power exercise by answering the curious questions. If you have any health problems, be sure to consult a specialist doctor before doing this type of exercise.

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