What is KEP System? For What Purpose Is It Used?

Thanks to the official e-mail service KEP (Registered Electronic Mail System) developed by the PTT General Directorate, you can now send e-mails for official transactions and use these e-mails as evidence in official transactions. We have explained in detail what KEP is, how to get it, for what purpose it is used.

With the widespread use of the internet today, we have been able to perform all our transactions online. While everything was integrated with the digital world, using pen and paper for official transactions was still criticized by many. Developed by the General Directorate of PTT Thanks to the KEP (Registered Electronic Mail System) It has also become possible to carry out official transactions via e-mail.

Although the e-mail system has been used for many years, it did not constitute evidence for official transactions before the states. KEP system Thanks to this, the e-mails we send and receive are now officially valid documents and can be accepted as evidence. What is the KEP system, how to get it, for what purpose Let’s take a closer look and see what features this new system offers.

What is KEP?

Developed by the General Directorate of the Post and Telegraph Organization, the KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) system works like e-mail as we know it, but this e-mail– who saves mails as evidence It is an e-mail service. You can make official correspondence with KEP. These correspondences are recorded and stored within the framework of international standards.

What is the difference between KEP and e-mail?

You can think of it as the difference between a letter and an official document. E-mails sent with KEP are of official nature. Unlike e-mail, KEP legally contains more evidence. While the burden of proof regarding the e-mail belongs to the sender, KEP carries this proof in its own structure.

While the date and time information registered on the e-mail carries the date and time information of the device to which you send the e-mail, KEP, creates a real-time date and time record. When you want to use your e-mails as evidence, it is difficult to determine whether the contents have been tampered with, but KEP verifies the e-mail contents.

What evidence is created with KEP?

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Whether an e-mail sent via KEP was sent by the visible sender, whether it reaches the buyer, when it reaches the buyer, Information such as whether the recipient has read the e-mail in question is recorded and even if these e-mails are deleted, they can be accessed through the KEP system when necessary.

E-mails sent over the KEP system are sent to sender confirmation, recipient confirmation, confirmation that the content has not been changed, they have the confirmation of the time of sending and the time of receiving. This information, recorded with the assurance of the PTT, has the quality of evidence for official transactions.

What advantages does the KEP system offer?

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When you send e-mail through the KEP system, you save paper, archive and time. Transaction costs are reduced, the implementation period of official transactions is shortened, commercial activities are carried out much faster and environmental protection is ensured thanks to the savings made.

How to get KEP account?

  • Step #1: From here, open the PTT KEP Online page.
  • Step #2: Log in by entering your TR ID number and security code.
  • Step #3: Select the person you will register for pre-application.
    • You can make a preliminary application on behalf of a natural person, legal person, public institution and other legal person.
  • Step #4: Enter the authorized person information.
  • Step #5: Enter the address information.
  • Step #6: Enter contact information.
  • Step #7: Specify the KEP account address.
  • Step #8: Choose the usage pattern.
  • Step #9: Organize alternative information channels.
  • Step #10: Make the package selection.
  • Step #11: Select the mailbox field.
  • Step #12: Choose additional services and other packages.
  • Step #13: Set your KEP Directory preferences.
  • Step #14: Confirm the Preliminary Information Form.
  • Step #15: Click the Pre-Apply button.
  • Step #16: KEP pre-application process has been completed.
  • Step #17: You can get your KEP account from the nearest PTT branch by providing the necessary documents.
  • Step #18: The operation is ok.

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To get your KEP account, which is required when using the KEP system, first You need to pre-apply by following the steps above. Make sure that you enter all the information requested during the pre-application, up-to-date and completely.

After completing the KEP pre-application process, you should go to the nearest PTT branch by providing the necessary documents here. To create a KEP account wet signature of the authorized person is required. After completing the last operations, you can now use the KEP system.

How much is the KEP usage fee?

KEP system usage fee; based on individual selected package, mailbox space, and other additional services varies. Although it is mandatory to choose the standard usage package, other additional packages and additional services may be preferred according to the person who will use the KEP system.

  • KEP 1-year usage package starts from 55 TL.
  • Mail usage area starts from 100 MB for free, 250 MB for 50 TL.
  • 1-year shipping packages start from 57.5 TL.
  • 1-year e-correspondence packages start from 57.5 TL.
  • 1-year SMS packages start from 9 TL.
  • 1-year virus scanning service is free for now.

The official e-mail service of the PTT General Directorate. What is KEP (Registered E-Mail Service) and how to get it? We answered the curious questions such as and explained the details you need to know about this new system. You can share your thoughts about the KEP system in the comments.

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