What is Height Enlargement Surgery, How is it Done, What are the Risks?

While height enlargement surgery is normally performed when one leg is shorter than the other, recently many people (especially men) resort to this method due to their lack of self-confidence or various health problems due to their physical appearance. So, even if the person’s height increases to a certain extent, aren’t there risks of height enlargement surgery, which involves a very complex procedure?

Made with advanced techniques offered by modern medicine limb lengthening surgeryNowadays, it has become a preferred method for aesthetic purposes. However, lengthening surgery has many difficulties, both physical and psychological.

One of our aims in discussing this surgery, which we have seen frequently on the internet lately, is to offer a comprehensive perspective to people considering surgery. At work, About lengthening surgery Everything you wonder about…

Let’s start from the beginning: What exactly is lengthening surgery?

Lengthening surgery, technically known as “distal femoral osteotomy” or in more general terms “lengthening of bones” The operation refers to a procedure that aims to increase the height of individuals through surgical methods.

This surgery is especially preferred by people who want to overcome the obstacles caused by being short in their personal or professional life. Essentially, the process involves cutting bones and then slowly lengthening them, based on the principle that new bone tissue fills this gap, thus increasing the height of the individual. Application is usually on the legs. femur (thigh bone) or tibia (shin bone) is carried out on.

Historically, height increase techniques for the first time in the mid-20th century started to be used. With developing technology and medical knowledge, these surgeries are becoming safer and more effective today.

How is limb lengthening surgery performed?

lengthening surgery, is a very complex and careful process. The surgery is performed by a specialist orthopedic surgeon under general anesthesia. The procedure basically consists of two main stages: osteotomy (bone cutting) and distraction osteogenesis (bone lengthening).


The surgeon carefully examines the bone to be lengthened. involving cutting In this surgery, the procedure is usually performed in the middle part of long bones such as the femur or tibia. The method is also determined according to the patient’s needs and the goal of the surgery.

Distraction Osteogenesis

How is lengthening surgery performed?

After the cutting is done bone lengthening device Its placement in the bones also refers to distraction osteogenesis. The device usually has a frame that can be adjusted from the outside or a rod that can be adjusted from the inside.

After the surgery, the settings of this device are changed regularly and the cut bone gap is slowly opened. The process is necessary to allow time for new bone tissue to fill this gap. distraction, a few millimeters per day It is set to happen and this may take several months.

Before surgery, patients go through a comprehensive evaluation process.

lengthening surgery

In addition to the general health condition of the patient before this surgery, whether for plastic surgery or health purposes, bone structure and his suitability for surgery is checked. Especially those who have it done for aesthetic purposes also undergo a psychological check. In addition, patients; They are informed about the possible risks of the surgery, the recovery process and expectations.

After the surgery, patients stay in the hospital for a while. This, of course, varies depending on the patient and the surgery process. After the bone lengthening process begins, patients go to their doctor regularly. In this process, settings of the bone lengthening device is checked and adjustments are made if necessary.

How many cm is height enlargement surgery?

Although the healing process varies from person to person, patients generally can’t walk for a few weeks and uses a wheelchair and crutches for a while.

What are the benefits of lengthening surgery?

What is lengthening surgery?

There are some potential benefits of lengthening surgery. These benefits both physical and psychological It can be an important source of motivation for individuals considering surgery.

The most obvious benefit of the surgery is that the individual’s height can be increased. Although this increase is usually limited to a few centimeters, it makes a big difference for many people. In some cases, height increase surgery is also used to correct body proportions. In cases where the legs are disproportionately short, this surgery Achieving a balanced body structure It becomes possible.

Benefits of lengthening surgery

Of course, there are also psychological benefits for the patient. due to short stature low self esteem, a serious problem for many people. The height increase achieved after surgery can make people feel better and increase their self-confidence.

When we consider that height is often associated with positive qualities in our society, People who have lengthening surgery They can have more positive experiences in their social interactions or personal relationships.

What are the harms and risks of lengthening surgery?

Harms of lengthening surgery

In addition to the complexity of the surgery and the long recovery process, there are also risks to be considered. In every surgical intervention infection, There may be bleeding or anesthesia-related complications. However, specific complications may also occur in lengthening surgery, such as problems with the bone lengthening device or the bones not growing as expected. nerve damage, Stiffness in joints or muscles is also among the risks of height extension surgery.

It is also known that the process causes significant pain and discomfort. Therefore, patients may need strong painkillers. The fact that the recovery process is often long and difficult delays patients’ return to daily activities and work life.

Height enlargement surgery is quite costly.

limb lengthening surgery

The surgeon’s experience, The country and hospital where the surgery was performed, In addition to the technology and materials used, the physical therapy required after surgery and the length of follow-up processes are factors that seriously affect the cost. Height enlargement surgery price It varies between 75 thousand and 280 thousand US dollars in the world.

Height enlargement surgery price in Turkey It varies depending on whether it is done for aesthetic and health problems. In cases such as dwarfism or one short leg, insurance can cover some expenses. However, this again varies depending on the severity of the situation. Height enlargement surgery for aesthetic purposes It is not covered by health insurance.

As a result, lengthening surgery may not be a suitable option for everyone. This procedure is usually applied to patients within a certain age range. bone development is completed and is recommended for individuals with suitable general health conditions.

However, those who want to undergo this surgery for aesthetic purposes must undergo a comprehensive health evaluation and be ready for the physical and psychological consequences of such an operation.

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