What Is Dragon Fruit Actually, What Are Its Benefits?

Tropical dragon fruit, the name of which we have been hearing more often recently and which has become increasingly popular, has an unusual appearance that does not resemble the fruits we are used to. Under this interesting appearance, it hides numerous benefits for human health. Let’s get to know this interesting fruit closely through the questions of what is dragon fruit and what are its benefits.

We are sure that many people were a little surprised, like us, when they heard about a drink called dragon fruit smoothie. Because we know apples, we know watermelon, we know kiwi, but we haven’t met a cool island fruit like dragon fruit yet. This fruit looks as cool as its name because a red bark with green scales and has a white interior with black cores. A fruit that truly lives up to its name.

Dragon fruit, which has started to be grown in some greenhouses of our country in the last few years, is a tropical fruit as you can imagine, and therefore our people are not used to it. Of course, it’s a little expensive because it’s tropical. For this reason, many of us have not yet tasted this increasingly popular fruit, whose name we have heard often. Bride What is dragon fruit, what are its benefits Let’s get to know this interesting fruit closely.

What is dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit, which has many different names such as pitaya, pitaha and strawberry pear, It is the fruit of a cactus called Hylocereus. The most striking feature of this cactus is that it blooms only at night. Dragon fruit, which is the fruit of a plant native to Mexico and Central America, has started to be grown in almost every part of the world in recent years due to the increasing demand.

The reason why the dragon fruit got this name is the color and characteristics of its shell. It has green scales on its red outer shell. Due to this structure, it is likened to dragon skin. and it has become known by this name all over the world. There is another yellow-shelled species called the yellow dragon. When you remove the skin of the dragon fruit, you will see a pulpy white fruit and black seeds inside.

dragon fruit

What are the benefits of dragon fruit?

100 grams of dragon fruit is only 60 calories. It contains 1.2 grams of protein, 0 fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 3 percent vitamin C, 4 percent iron and 10 percent magnesium. Rich in minerals and vitamins Although it is low in calories, it is one of its most striking features.

Dragon fruit contains betalains that balance bad cholesterol, hydroxycinnamates with anticancer effects, and flavonoids that are good for brain and heart health. well It is extremely rich in antioxidants. Studies on obese mice have shown that dragon fruit reduces insulin resistance and the negative effects of fatty liver.

Thanks to its prebiotic fiber content, it allows the growth of beneficial bacteria in our intestines. It reduces the negative effects of type 2 diabetes. It balances the negative effects of a fatty and high-carbohydrate diet on the human body. It has a positive effect on arteriosclerosis. In other words, everything we seek for a fit and healthy life is contained in the dragon fruit.

dragon fruit

Some interesting facts about dragon fruit:

  • Dragon fruit is a plant native to Central and South America, especially Mexico, but it has been grown in greenhouses in many different parts of the world in recent years.
  • Hylocereus undatus is the scientific name for dragon fruit.
  • Dragon fruit is considered a plant belonging to the cactus family.
  • According to the region where it is grown, it has different names such as pitaya, pitahaya and strawberry pear.
  • The dragon fruit-bearing cactus can grow into a giant 20-foot tree.
  • Hylocereus, the dragon fruiting cactus, blooms only at night.
  • A dragon fruit weighs an average of 300 grams.
  • It is low in calories and fat, and high in vitamins and antioxidants.
  • There are many different dragon fruit recipes in different culinary cultures of the world.

dragon fruit

You can grow dragon fruit too:

Don’t worry if you say let’s eat one a day but will it last, You can also grow dragon fruit at home with your own means. For this, you can get a sapling by root cutting or you can get a seedling from the core by trying a little more. After sprouting one of the dragon fruit seeds in a humid environment, you can grow it by planting it in the ground.

Of course, the cactus, which is the plant that gives dragon fruit, is not the kind of plant that I put on the balcony so it can grow by itself. Since it is a tropical plant, it requires a temperate climate. Seed planting should be done six weeks before the frost period and when the seedlings reach 15 cm in length, they should be taken to another soil.

The dragon fruit plant needs to be exposed to direct sunlight for at least six hours a day. Pay attention to regular watering but pour neither too much nor too little water. It needs a fertilizer supplement every few weeks. When you take good care of it, you can harvest its first fruits in two to three years.

Recently, we have heard the name of it and become increasingly popular all over the world. what is dragon fruit, which is a tropical fruit, what are the benefits We talked about the details you need to know about this extraordinary fruit by answering frequently asked questions. Since dragon fruit is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, it is not recommended to consume more than one serving per day. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.


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