What is CA – 125 in Blood Tests? What Does Height Mean?

The value we see as CA – 125 in blood tests measures the protein of the same name found in the body. Although it may increase due to different reasons, this suspicion is kept in the foreground in cases where it is high, since it is generally considered to be directly related to ovarian cancer. Let’s examine in detail what is CA – 125, what does its height mean, what should its normal value be.

There are many different types of proteins in each of the cells in our body. However, some types of proteins are only found in certain specialized cells. CA – 125 protein is one of them. The CA – 125 value we see in the blood test results is a value that measures the rate of this protein in the body. Although found in different cells because it is predominantly found in ovarian cancer cells It is considered to be directly related to this type of cancer.

The CA – 125 value is not used for early cancer diagnosis because this value is observed if there is an already diagnosed ovarian cancer. The decrease in the rate of this protein, which is observed after the diagnosis of cancer and the start of treatment, means that the treatment is getting better. High is not always a sign of cancer. What is CA – 125, what does its height mean, what should its normal value be? Let’s take a closer look at the frequently asked questions.

First of all, what is CA – 125?

in our body The value of a protein called Cancer Antigen 125 in the blood It is measured as CA – 125. This value, which we see as CA – 125 in blood tests, is also used as the name of the protein. Due to many different reasons, CA – 125 protein may be elevated, but since it is generally found in ovarian cancer cells, its high level is considered to be directly related to ovarian cancer.

What is the CA – 125 test?

Even though the CA – 125 test is accepted as a test that measures the CA – 125 protein, it is actually there is no such special test. In order to see how the person diagnosed with ovarian cancer responds to the treatment, a blood test is done with a blood sample taken from the arm as we know it. Blood can also be taken specifically to measure the CA – 125 value, but it is generally measured with many different values. Since this value cannot be measured in every laboratory, you may need to go to a university hospital or a similar hospital and give this test.

Not a standard measurement: Why is the CA – 125 test done?

Although the CA – 125 test is a simple test, it is not a standard measurement applied to every patient. CA – 125 value, It is measured to monitor the course of treatment in patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer. If the CA – 125 value, which was previously increased due to cancer, decreases in the blood test results, it means that the treatment was successful and the cancer decreased.

What should be the normal value of CA – 125?

In blood test results A CA – 125 value between 0 – 35 is considered normal. The value between 35 and 50 is controlled and tried to be reduced. However, with a CA value over 50 – 125, ovarian cancer suspicion begins. 80% of women with ovarian cancer have a high CA – 125 level. However, this value may remain normal in the early stage.

ca 125, ovarian cancer

What is CA – 125 low, what does it mean?

In general, there is no condition called CA – 125 low. Because 0 to 35 is considered normal. The CA – 125 value, which is found to be high in a patient diagnosed with ovarian cancer, starts to decrease as he responds positively to the treatment, but however, this situation is not called low.

There is no need to be afraid all the time: What is the height of CA – 125, how many are cancer suspicions?

If your CA – 125 value is between 35 and 50 in the blood test results, it is considered high, but there is no suspicion of cancer. But your CA – 125 value If it exceeds 50 references in this case, ovarian cancer is suspected and your doctor may consider it appropriate to start a treatment.

ca 125, ovarian cancer

There are many different reasons: In which diseases does the CA – 125 elevation increase?

  • ovarian cancer
  • breast cancer
  • Endometriosis with chocolate cyst
  • Pelvic infections
  • myomas
  • Liver diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • menstrual period

In general, some of the situations that cause CA – 125 height in the person are like this. As you can see, cancer is not the only cause of CA – 125 elevation. Even in the case of pregnancy or menstruation, a height of CA – 125 can be seen. However, an ordinary elevation and a cancer-induced elevation will be different from each other.

What is ovarian cancer that raises CA – 125?

Ovarian; These are the organs on both sides of the uterus that store eggs and produce female hormones. As a result of the growth of malignant cells in the ovary ovarian cancer occurs. Ovarian cancer, which is one of the most common types of cancer among women, is unfortunately difficult to diagnose early.

ca 125, ovarian cancer

What causes ovarian cancer?

The primary cause of ovarian cancer is genetic factors. in your family before If you have had ovarian cancer or breast cancer, the chances of it happening to you are very high. Because many types of ovarian cancer are directly linked to breast cancer genes called BRCA 1 and BRCA 2.

One of your grandmothers, mother, sister or daughter has ovarian cancer It means you have this risk too. Likewise, if you have a family history of breast cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer or rectal cancer, this is an indication that you are at risk for ovarian cancer. Different types of cancer that occur in the body also indicate a high risk of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that generally occurs in women older than 40 years. in most cases occurs after menopause. Even if it is not certain, a high body mass index may also increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Hormone replacement therapy can also increase this risk.

Not giving birth at all, having the first birth after the age of 30, the onset of the menstrual period before the age of 12, Menopause after the age of 50, not using any birth control pills, smoking, taking long-term and high doses of estrogen can also increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that is difficult to detect early, but if you have a family history of cancer, this suspicion should be checked regularly by your physician.

directly associated with ovarian cancer What is CA – 125, what does its height mean, what should its normal value be? We answered frequently asked questions such as: As with all health issues, remember that you should get the most accurate and specific information about your CA – 125 value from a specialist physician.

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