What is a Psychotechnical Certificate and How to Obtain it? – 2023

For a while now, commercial vehicle drivers have needed another document, called a psychotechnical certificate, in addition to a driver’s license. The psychotechnical certificate, which causes the driver to be fined if he/she goes to traffic without obtaining it, is given as a result of a test that takes an average of one hour.

In our country, countless accidents occur every day due to driver error, and unfortunately, some of them result in loss of life. This situation brings to mind: ‘Is just getting a driver’s license enough to be a good driver?’ He often brings up the question. Authorities will also have asked this question. Driving licenses have not been sufficient for commercial vehicle drivers for a while now, At the same time, drivers must have a psychotechnical certificate.

As the name suggests, the psychotechnical document is a psychological situation assessment report. At the end of a test that lasted approximately one hour There are penal sanctions if people drive without this document, which is given to successful people. In the test taken to obtain a psychotechnical certificate, a psychologist evaluates whether the driver is mentally and physically fit to drive.

Let’s explain briefly for those who hear it for the first time: What is a psychotechnical certificate?

Popularly known as psychotechnical certificate Psychotechnical Examination and Evaluation Report, It is a document that is mandatory for commercial vehicle drivers to have, according to the Circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As of January 1, 2021, it has become mandatory for all commercial vehicle drivers to have a psychotechnical certificate. Penalty will be imposed on commercial vehicle drivers who do not have the document in question.

Drivers who are required to obtain a psychotechnical certificate:

  • taxi drivers
  • truck drivers
  • truck drivers
  • Student shuttle drivers
  • bus drivers
  • Drivers transporting personnel
  • Minibus and minibus drivers
  • Other commercial vehicle drivers

How to get a psychotechnical certificate?

Commercial vehicle drivers who want to obtain a psychotechnical certificate must apply to the province in which they are located. By making an appointment at the centers authorized by the Provincial Health Directorate For the Psychotechnical Examination and Evaluation Report, they can participate in a series of tests that last approximately one hour. Drivers who pass the test are entitled to receive a psychotechnical certificate. If the driver cannot successfully complete the test, he can appeal to the Provincial Health Directorate within 1 month.

The driver, who successfully passed the test at the institution authorized by the Provincial Health Directorate, then He is examined by a psychiatrist in a public or private hospital. The document, which is approved by the expert, is finally approved by the Provincial Health Directorate and the driver now has a psychotechnical certificate.

How much does the psychotechnical certificate cost?

The fee for obtaining the Psychotechnical Examination and Evaluation Report, that is, the psychotechnical certificate, is announced every year by the Provincial Health Directorate based on a base price. The fee to be paid for the psychotechnical certificate in 2023 has been determined as 750 TL. However, prices may vary depending on the institution you apply to.

What is measured in psychotechnical tests?

When you go to the institution authorized by the Provincial Health Directorate to obtain a psychotechnical certificate, 12 tests are performed. In these tests, which last an average of one hour, the driver’s visual perception, visual memory, hand and foot coordination, psychomotor skills, reflexes, attention and peripheral vision are measured. A psychologist accompanies the driver throughout the test.

Documents required to obtain a psychotechnical certificate:

  • Original and photocopy of driver’s license
  • Original birth certificate and photocopy
  • If the license is to be returned, the original and photocopy of the penalty report

These are the documents required for the psychotechnical certificate. In addition to these, a photo is also required, but Many institutions take the necessary photo digitally at that moment. If you want to secure your job, you can also take with you a passport photo taken within the last 6 months.

You need to renew your psychotechnical certificate every 5 years:

Psychotechnical certificate is not a document that you get once and have for life, like a driver’s license. It needs to be renewed every 5 years. For the renewal process, just like the first purchase, you must go to the institution authorized by the Provincial Health Directorate and take the necessary tests. The fee you will pay for the renewal process will be determined by the Provincial Health Directorate that year.

Penalties are applied to those who do not have a psychotechnical certificate:

Commercial vehicle drivers who are required to have a psychotechnical certificate If they traffic without having this document or if the validity period of the document they hold has expired for 5 years, a penalty of 3 thousand 584 TL will be applied. There may be periodic changes in the penalty fee.

You can access your psychotechnical certificate via e-Government:


  • Step #1: Open the e-Government website via the link here.
  • Step #2: Log in with your e-Government account information.
  • Step #3: Open the e-Signed Psychotechnical Evaluation Reports Inquiry page.
  • Step #4: You can view your psychotechnical document here.
  • Step #5: The process is complete.

To access your psychotechnical certificate via e-Government, simply follow the steps above. You do not have to carry your printed psychotechnical document with you. It is already seen during GBT interrogation. The copy you receive via e-Government is also considered a real document.

Must have for commercial vehicle drivers What is a psychotechnical certificate, how to get it, how much does it cost? We answered frequently asked questions such as: To get the most up-to-date information about the psychotechnical certificate, you can contact the institutions authorized by the Provincial Health Directorate in your region.

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