What Happens If A Spider Gets In Your Mouth While You Sleep?

We all have the occasional rumor that we eat an average of 1 kilo of bugs a year. Do you think spiders are included in this data? Could we be unwittingly eating those 8-legged creatures that some of us can’t even bear to see?

Usually in horror or thriller-themed movies; mouth, nose, or ear There are spider scenes. Just watching those scenes can be enough to make us grimace.

And imagine if this actually happened to us. Could it be that spiders enter our mouths while we are unconscious in our sleep? To answer this question and more Let’s see together.

Experts agree that a spider could enter our mouth while we sleep, but the probability is really slim.

Considering that we are quite large compared to spiders, they only see us as part of their “landscape”. Also, while we sleep the sound of our heartbeat and breathing it would be very loud and scary for them.

These sounds we make, spiders It creates vibrations to which it is extremely sensitive. In other words, they want to escape to the farthest corner from us, let alone enter our mouths.

In the scientific or medical literature, there is no case record of the spider penetrating humans.

If a spider crawls on your face while you sleep, the sensation of the eight little legs on your skin will probably wake you up very quickly. Moreover, only a small number of spider species share our homes with us, and if you have noticed, most of them prefers to retreat.

They’re not above us, but in secluded corners or forming nets. such as basement or roof, where there are few people We can understand this from the fact that there are more spiders.

Let’s come to our main topic; What if a spider enters our body?


on the world There are 40,000 different types of spiders. Guess how many of these species are venomous? 12 only! Even if we leave aside how unlikely it is for any of these 40,000 spider species to come upon you, only by injection It’s okay to eat or swallow a spider in your sleep, as they can pass it on to you. We can understand this from the fact that spiders are eaten alive or cooked in different culinary cultures.

Moreover, even if you are asleep, if a spider crawls down your throat, you will automatically start coughing and this will most likely result in their death. Even if they don’t die They come out of your throat with the effect of coughing.

Let’s ignore all that and go a little further… What if we swallow the spider?


Yes, able to survive in liquids for a long time There are spider species. However, as we mentioned at the beginning of our content, the probability of these types coming across to you is very low. Let’s explain, just in case it coincides.

as people our stomach is so acidic It is impossible for a spider to live in that acid. So fear not, your stomach acid is strong enough to kill spiders!


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