What Do These Things Found On Electric Poles Do?

These interlocking discs, which we usually see on electric poles, play a simple but important role for our safety.

These pieces, which we often see on the electricity poles on the streets,insulator‘ is said. The insulators, which have a pasta-like shape, simply prevent the electric current from moving according to its head.

Insulators prevent the electricity in the high-voltage cables on the poles from descending to the ground through the pole. Thus, the electric current stays only on the cables and safely on its way.

They are used not only in poles, but in all places where the current must remain isolated:

Insulators can be seen at the ends of the vehicles (transformer) that regulate the grounding and current intensity, as well as the cables carried on top of the electricity poles.

The duties of the insulators are the same here: Passing through the cable electricity not to spread.



Thanks to these small parts, we can safely touch many places.

So why are these parts needed? Are the cables already insulated?

Most of the cables carried by electric poles are bare and do not include any insulating material. Covering these cables with insulation, increases the weight of the cables and it makes it harder for them to stay in the air.

However, covering the cables with insulation, caused by high current heat will also be trapped and damage the cable. means. Since the uninsulated cables are in direct contact with the air, they keep the temperature under control naturally.

Why are they shaped like pasta?


Insulators consist of a combination of more than one disc-shaped structure. Each of these discs is insulating material exists. There is a simple but important reason behind the shape of these pieces.

When dust, dirt and especially water accumulate on the insulator surface, it can turn the insulator into a conductor. This is why insulators consist of discs like umbrellas. to prevent accumulation is being used.

Of course, 100% success can never be achieved in this regard. The current can constantly overflow through the insulators. Using more than one disk actually comes into play at this point.

Length of insulators, the length of the path that the leakage current will travel determines. In this way, the current continues to move in the insulator without going into the air or any other surface, and finally it is transferred back to the cable.

While up to 50% of the current can be lost when the insulators are wet, the amount of current lost is very low thanks to this design.


What Do These Poke-ball-Like Orbs on Electrical Wires Do?

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