What Do Movies Look Like Without Visual Effects?

Have you ever thought about how the movie you watch would look without visual effects? Films produced with large productions can actually offer you characters and worlds that never existed. Today we’re going to show you how the behind-the-scenes look of the visual effects scenes that make this possible, in a comparative way.

Have you ever thought about why we can’t make successful action movies in our country? If you’ve given it some thought, you’ve probably figured out why. Our movies have very tight budgets and visual effects We are not a very successful country. Although there are very talented people in this regard, they also generally prefer to do business abroad. In the 2-hour-long films created by investing hundreds of millions of dollars, we see the heroes jumping from the buildings and the cars flying over the ceilings. But are the extremely risky things really being done for the movie?

Today, it is one of the indispensable technologies in Hollywood movies. We will share the before and after scenes transferred to the movie with CGI (Computer-generated Imagery). By looking at the visuals in our list, we will be able to see more closely what is behind the movies we love watching. Let’s take a closer look at the CGI comparison of these movies, which are actually very technical and shot in studios.

Before and after visual effects of scenes in movies

Raising the bar for superhero movies: Avengers

The series that beats the budget movies: Game of Thrones (Game of Thrones)

The production that made us love pirates: Pirates of the Caribbian

Actually, not bad at all but not very popular for some reason: Elysium

A breakthrough in CGI technology: Avatar

DC’s disappointing movie: Batman V Superman

Collected all awards at the time of publication: Life of Pi

Taking us back to Middle-earth: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Undervalued: X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Played by Andy Serkis, the popular name of CGI movies: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

A remake of the legendary production of a period: Robocop

For those who want to hit the bottom of the action: 300 – Rise Of An Empire (300: Rise of an Empire)

What makes us want to be a farmer on Mars: The Martian

Superhero movie featuring one of the best villains: Avengers: Infinity War

The visual effects are the subject of much discussion: Wonder Woman

Superhero that shows how strong women are: Captain Marvel

Featuring the cute wizard of the Marvel universe: Doctor Strange

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