What Causes White Tongue? – Webtekno

If you see a strange coating on your tongue when you look in the mirror, you are experiencing a condition called “white tongue”. If you are starting to wonder what causes white tongue, which many people encounter from time to time, you should know that sometimes it is a simple hygiene issue and sometimes it is a sign of a serious health problem. So, how to get rid of white tongue?

A difference in the pink and moist part of your tongue actually gives information about your general health condition. whitening of tongue As soon as you discover it, you can start to understand how it will go away or why it is happening and start your treatment as soon as possible.

If there are those who encounter white language from time to time Cause and types of white tongue Thanks to this detailed guide we will discuss, you can take precautions before it is too late in the next situation.

What is white tongue?

If your tongue has turned pale instead of its normal color “What is white language?” You should know the answer to the question. If you notice that in addition to a white tongue, your mouth is dry, there is inflammation or your bad breath If it is accompanied by white tongue, it is useful to take a closer look at the possible reasons for this.

What causes whiteness on the tongue?

  • lack of hygiene
  • Imbalance of oral flora
  • Smoking and alcohol use
  • Drug use and side effects
  • Nutrition habits
  • Thrush
  • Syphilis
  • geographical language
  • tongue injury
  • Red
  • oral lichen planus
  • mouth cancer

lack of hygiene

Mouth and dental health Of course, correct hygiene practices come first. Surface of the tongue; It is a very suitable environment for the accumulation of food residues, bacteria and dead cells. When these deposits are not cleaned regularly, they can form a white layer on the tongue. If you think that the whiteness of your tongue may be due to this reason, you should pay attention to brushing your teeth twice a day and regular tongue cleaning.

Imbalance of oral flora

The balance of bacteria and fungi in the mouth is important for maintaining a healthy oral flora. Antibiotic use Since factors such as may lead to disruption of this balance, conditions such as excessive fungal growth, causes white coating on tongue It can happen.

Smoking and alcohol use

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are two important factors that negatively affect oral health. Both can irritate oral tissues and It can disrupt the balance of oral flora.

Drug use and side effects

Some medications, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics By disrupting the balance of oral flora It can cause a white coating on the tongue. Since these drugs can destroy beneficial bacteria while fighting harmful bacteria, they create space for the overgrowth of other microorganisms such as fungi.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme drugs for blood pressure, antibiotics, cytotoxics used in cancer treatment, immunosuppressive agents to calm immune system responses, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs medications that cause white tongue can be counted among them.

Nutrition habits

Consumption of high sugar and acidic foods, negative effects on oral health is showing. Such foods provide a suitable environment for bacterial growth, and the acidic content can irritate oral tissues.



Some health problems, such as thrush, can cause a white coating on the tongue. Excessive fungal growth in the mouth thrushIt can be seen especially in people with weakened immune systems. In addition, thrush is a condition frequently encountered in babies.


“Which disease is a white tongue symptom?” If you are wondering, syphilis may also be added to this. Syphilis, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection.

geographical language

causes of white tongue

As the skin on your tongue regrows, some parts of the top layer fall off quickly, leaving only infected, red areas. Redness with white edges on your tongue This condition causes stains; It is more common in people with type 1 diabetes, psoriasis and eczema.

tongue injury

Biting and burning the tongue White tissue may also form on the tongue due to tongue injuries such as: Also, recently piercing A white layer can also be seen in people who have had it done. Damage to the tongue by dentures is also among the causes of white tongue.


Whitening of the tongue may occur as a side effect of scarlet fever, which is an infectious disease. It is more common in the early stages of this disease, which is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. white tongue visible.

oral lichen planus

how to get rid of white tongue

on the inside of your cheeks, gums or causes whitening on your tongue Oral lichen planus, an inflammatory mouth condition that may occur. This disorder can often indicate immune system problems.

mouth cancer

Depending on the stage of the cancer, whitening of your tongue may occur. Surgical, chemotherapy or may occur from radiation.

How to get rid of whiteness on tongue?

  • Pay attention to tongue hygiene.
  • Consume water.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Do not skip your dentist visits.
  • You may need medical treatment.

Pay attention to tongue hygiene.

language cleaning

“How to improve tongue color?” If you have come to the subject, it means it is time to get rid of whiteness. Then, first of all, you should clean your tongue regularly. You can use tongue cleaners or a soft toothbrush for this. You can also take care to do this after brushing your teeth.

Consume water.

When you consume enough water moisture level in the mouth You can protect your skin as well as reduce bacterial accumulation.

Eat healthy.

You can also protect your oral health by avoiding foods with high sugar and acid content. With a balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables and sufficient protein keeping the oral flora healthy You can support.

Do not skip your dentist visits.

Regular dentist check-ups can be life-saving in assessing the general condition of oral health and detecting any problems early. your dentist, The underlying cause of the white coating on the tongue He can also determine the most appropriate treatment method for you.

You may need medical treatment.

If Cause of white coating If it is a health problem, the doctor or dentist can recommend appropriate medication. These may be antifungal medications or antibiotics.

What happens if the whiteness on the tongue is not treated?

If you have not resolved the whiteness on your tongue, bacteria and dirt covering your tongue gum diseases can also issue an invitation. It also opens the door for the infection to spread to other parts of your body.

When should a specialist be consulted for whiteness in the tongue?

A white tongue can often be harmless and you can fix the situation with good oral hygiene. If you are faced with a layer that does not go away despite these, you can get the treatment you need and regain your old language without prolonging the situation. dentist or healthcare professional You should contact. Situations in which you should apply:

  • Pain or burning sensation in the tongue
  • Sores in the mouth or on the tongue
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking and swallowing
  • Fever, rash, rapid weight loss accompanied by white tongue
  • Itching of the tongue

We invite those who have experience in experiencing and resolving the white language situation to comment.

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