What Causes Forest Fires? Precautions to be Taken

The climate of our world is changing rapidly and therefore we are waiting for much drier and less humid summers. In such a climate, forest fires are unfortunately inevitable. So what to do? Even if it is not possible to completely prevent forest fires, there are still precautions to be taken. Let’s take a closer look at the causes of forest fires and see the precautions we can take.

The summer months of 2021 passed like a nightmare for our country. Forest fires took place in many different parts of Turkey, especially in the Aegean and the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, it is thought that these fires, some of which are of attack and some of natural origin, will unfortunately continue because Our world’s climate is changing. After that, much drier and less humid summer months await humanity. So what are we gonna do?

Most of the measures to be taken against forest fires are under the responsibility of state institutions because the fires experienced are not of the type that can be extinguished by human hands. However, we can at least protect our own safety with some simple precautions we will take around our homes. Considering that fires can occur due to many different reasons, it is quite difficult to prevent. Bride forest fires cause Let’s take a closer look and see some of the precautions we can take.

What causes forest fires? Reasons:

Carelessness and negligence:

There are many fire towers in fire-prone regions such as the Mediterranean and Aegean regions. Unfortunately, sometimes the employees here can be negligent. More importantly citizen carelessness can cause forest fires. Even when you see a small fire with growth potential, call the forest fire warning line at 177 and inform.

Making a fire in the forest without safety precautions:

Yes barbecues, this item is for you. It’s nice to have a good time eating and drinking in the forest, but under trees whose resin is flammable and it’s not right to light a fire near dry grass. All municipalities have special parking areas for this type of barbecue, please use them. Because making a fire in the forest takes skill and many people are ignorant about it.

Forest fire

Not extinguishing the fire in the forest:

Let’s say you somehow started a fire in the forest, things went well and you didn’t burn the forest. What about extinguishing? Many people think that he puts out the fire by pouring some water or covering it with earth, but this fire does not go out easily. If you are going to start a fire, burn it by making a light hole in a spot away from trees and dry grass. When you’re done, extinguish it with plenty of water and cover it with grass-free soil.

Throwing unlit matches and cigarette butts on the ground:

No sane person would throw lit matches or cigarette butts in the middle of the forest anyway, but what about passers-by? By car or walking When you throw the cigarette out of your hand, you don’t know where it will go. The moment that butt or match falls into dry grass or bushes, forest fires are inevitable.

Forest fire

Burning grass and stubble in the forest:

In agricultural areas, unwanted weeds are collected and burned to clear the soil. Likewise, after harvest the roots and stems of the crop are also burned to clear the soil, this is called burning stubble. Forest fires are inevitable due to the large flame that occurs when these burning processes, which are no longer recommended by agricultural engineers, are carried out near the forest.

Wandering through the forest with fire for illumination:

We are not necessarily talking about walking around the forest with a torch. In some regions, forest and habitats are very close. Uncontrolled fires for heating and lighting, They can start a forest fire. Using tools that provide lighting with fire, such as candles, kerosene lamps and similar tools, is one of these reasons.

Forest fire

Throwing glass and shards into the forest:

It is basic physics knowledge. The glass collects the light and makes it a single point. This single point has high heat. Scattered sunlight is collected by a glass or shard and formed by the lens effect. It catches fire easily because of the heat generated when it is constantly reflected on grass, bushes or a tree. A small flame can quickly turn into a huge forest fire.

Children playing with fire:

In general, we do not let our children out of our sight, but during a pleasant forest trip, the children He can play games by picking up a match and a lighter on the table and lighting something in a corner. They are children, the responsibility lies with the parents. It is extremely important to raise awareness of children against such situations and to teach them not to play with fire.

Forest fire

Intentionally started fires:

As a terrorist attack, to expand the agricultural area, to hide unlawful deeds, The number of forest fires started to take revenge, to sabotage or to drive away wild animals is not few. We do not think that those who read this article will commit such perversions, but if you live in an area intertwined with the forest, keep your eyes open. In case of doubt, notify the authorities.

Climatic conditions:

Fire needs a fuel, heat and oxygen. Oxygen is plentiful, fuel is already trees, and heat emerges in a way as we have described. for example lightning It is one of the most common causes of forest fires. Also, the resin of the trees found in some regions is flammable, and when it is dry, forest fires are inevitable. So sometimes nature itself wants to burn and we can’t do anything.

Precautions you can take against forest fires:

Forest fire

  • Remove dry grass, leaves and pine needles near their habitat.
  • Shorten tree branches that are close to the ground.
  • Eliminate vines, shrubs and trees close to homes.
  • Store wooden furniture in concrete-walled warehouses when not in use.
  • Choose non-flammable items.
  • Lay gravel or asphalt driveways between habitats and forest.
  • Place firewood and scrap away from the house.
  • Cut down dense trees to prevent them from touching each other during a possible fire.
  • Take into account the rules and recommendations of relevant institutions and organizations.

Here are the precautions you can take individually against forest fires. As we said, some forest fires cannot be prevented and will be taken. large-scale measures are also the responsibility of government agencies. However, it is possible to reduce the loss of life and property during forest fires by taking some precautions individually.

Turning the lungs of the world to ashes forest fires cause We answered the question and talked about the individual measures you can take against forest fires. Forest fires happen and will continue to happen, this is natural. The important thing is to prevent human-induced fires and to minimize the losses that will occur during the fire.

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