What are the purposes of these walls we see on the roads?

Maybe we pass by high walls on the road every day on our way somewhere. So, have you ever wondered what these simple walls do and what difference they make in our lives?

These structures are actually much more than just a simple wall. In the chaos of city life, when traffic noise needs to be reduced silent heroes Activated.

on the journey against noise pollution Let’s take a closer look at what kind of shield they are and how they improve the quality of our daily lives.

What are sound and noise barriers?

Roadside sound barriers, structures designed to reduce noise, which we usually see in cities and on busy roads. Can be made of concrete, metal, wood or special sound absorbing materials Purpose of sound barriersto reduce noise created by vehicles, especially near living spaces.

Now you will say, “These barriers Does it really work?” The answer is simple: Yes, but understanding how they work is a little more complicated.

What exactly do sound barriers do?

noise barrier

Sound barriers work by reflecting or absorbing sound waves. So the noise coming from a car’s engine or wheels, this It hits the barriers and is reflected back or it is absorbed by barriers and creates less noise.

In this way, homes and workplaces beyond the barriers The sound level is significantly reduced. Imagine, you are quietly drinking your morning coffee and the traffic noise outside does not disturb you. This is possible thanks to sound barriers.

How do sound barriers work?

What does a sound barrier do?

Sound is a form of energy emitted through the vibration of air molecules. Sound waves coming from a sound source spread by vibrating the surrounding air, and when these waves reach our ears, we perceive them as sound. When sound waves encounter obstacles, three things can happen: reflection, absorption or diffraction (twisting).

Sound barriers also work by changing the paths of sound waves or reducing their energy. The most common method is the reflection of sound waves. The barrier reflects sound waves back, creating a barrier between the source of the noise and the areas where the noise is unwanted. Hard surfaces such as concrete or metal, It can effectively reflect sound waves.

What is sound barrier?

Sound barriers can also work by absorbing sound waves. These barriers are usually with sound absorbing materials (specially designed acoustic panels) are covered. When sound waves hit these materials, some of their energy is absorbed, resulting in a reduction in noise. This method is especially preferred in areas where people are close because the reflected sound can cause problems in other places.

Sound waves can also bend over or around obstacles. The height and placement of sound barriers determine whether sound can pass through them. High and wide barriers, It reduces the sound level behind the barrier by making it harder for sound waves to pass over it.

How do they place sound barriers?

sound barrier features

Placement is as important for sound barriers as its design. Their height, width and type of material used determine how effective the barrier will be. Engineers and urban planners placing barriers direction of the wind, They take into account factors such as the slope of the road and surrounding structures. Thus, they aim to provide the best sound reduction effect.

Where do we usually see sound barriers?

While reading the content, we are sure that some walls have risen before your eyes. Although it is not possible to see these walls right in the city, you can see them in many places. Of course, there is a regulation on this subject and noise barriers It determines its position accordingly.

The highway, where more than three million vehicles pass annually, The railway, through which more than thirty thousand trains pass annually, The area around the civil airport, where more than fifty thousand takeoffs and landings take place annually, are just some of the places we saw.

Now you know exactly what these barriers you see during your journey do. Significantly improving our quality of life passing sound barriers You will realize that they are silent heroes.

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