What are the Most Common Chronic Diseases and Prevention Methods?

When we leave genetic factors aside, most of the chronic diseases we have are annoying conditions that occur in later ages as a result of not taking care of ourselves in the youth period. Let’s take a closer look at what are the most common chronic diseases in old age and see the preventive methods you can apply to prevent them.

Many diseases, however intense, are temporary. Others, once they occur, have different intensities throughout our lives, and these are called chronic diseases. Of course, some of the chronic diseases are seen as genetic origin, but A large part of it is because we do not take care of ourselves, especially during our youth. occurs in old age.

If we do not count extraordinary situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic diseases that have emerged in the world and in our country in recent years, Although the rates vary, they are almost the same. Because the causes of all these diseases are common. Fortunately, there are some important points to consider to avoid them. Let’s take a closer look at what are the most common chronic diseases in old age and see the preventive methods you can apply to protect yourself.

The most common chronic diseases, especially in the elderly:

  • COPD
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Depression
  • Heart failure
  • kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • coronary heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • high cholesterol
  • Hypertension


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, known to most of us by the abbreviation COPD, occurs in about 11 percent of older adults. COPD making it hard to breathe causes shortness of breath, frequent coughing and chest tightness. The main cause of COPD is smoking, as it may occur after flu and pneumonia.


Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, is not a natural consequence of aging, it occurs as a result of changes in our brain. Memory loss, interference with daily activities and loss of problem-solving ability has such consequences. Even if the genetic factor plays a role in the emergence of this disease, it can also occur at advanced ages as a result of an unhealthy life.


Depression is unfortunately one of the psychological disorders that has been increasing in prevalence in the world in recent years. Depression, which can affect people of all ages, Even if it is mentioned as a simple situation in daily language, it can lead the person to situations such as chronic sadness, pessimism, hopelessness, fatigue, difficulty in making decisions, loss of appetite or overeating and loss of interest.

Heart failure:

It is known that 14 percent of elderly people are treated for heart failure. When our heart does not provide enough blood and oxygen to the rest of our body heart failure occurs. With heart failure, the heart can enlarge, develop muscle, beat more and make the person feel tired all the time.

Kidney disease:

CKD, or chronic kidney disease, is literally a chronic disease because The kidney gradually loses its functions over time. As kidney functions decline over time, kidney failure and heart failure may occur as a result.


Close to 30 percent of elderly people are actively receiving diabetes treatment. When the body becomes insulin resistant or when not enough insulin is produced diabetes occurs. Insulin is extremely important as it is a component we use to turn food into energy. The risk of diabetes increases especially after the age of 45.

Coronary heart disease:

Coronary heart disease, also known as ischemic heart disease, occurs in up to 30 percent of older adults. This disease, which narrows the arteries leading to the heart, reduces the amount of oxygen-filled blood. Increases the risk of blood clots, angina, heart attack.


Arthritis can be defined as a type of joint inflammation. Although it is more common in women, There are close to 35 percent of older people. Arthritis, which can occur in every joint in our body, causes stiffness and pain.

High cholesterol:

High cholesterol, which occurs in almost 50 percent of adults and older adults, It occurs with excessive accumulation of bad fat in our body. High cholesterol is the root cause of many heart diseases because it clogs the main arteries leading to the heart.


Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a disease that occurs in up to 60 percent of older people. In general, hypertension The heart pumps a lot of blood, but the vessels are narrow. Since it is an insidious disease, it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Do not be afraid of chronic diseases: Here are the prevention methods you can apply to protect yourself

  • Quit smoking right away.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Manage your stress properly.
  • Have your health checked regularly.
  • Learn about your genetic risks.

Quit smoking immediately:

There is nothing to discuss or think about anymore, smoking kills. Cigarettes make you addicted even faster than drugs, it will kill you more slowly than them, but there is no escape, it will surely do it. Because smoking harms every unthinkable cell in your body. Let that thing go, it’s expensive anyway.

Eat healthy:

We eat whatever we find healthy and unhealthy, especially with the power of youth. we skip meals and we don’t have a balanced diet but this situation opens the door to future heart diseases and diabetes. If we consume a little more fruit, vegetables, healthy fats and stay away from sugar and saturated fats, we will not lose anything.

Exercise regularly:

You don’t need to jump in and sign up for a gym right away. Start by walking for half an hour a day. Then do some muscle-strengthening exercise. Increase the intensity of the exercise as you will get used to it in a short time. Even just 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week will protect you from most chronic diseases.

Limit alcohol consumption:

Alcohol is the mother of all evils, of course it is best not to drink at all, but if you say you will drink it consume at least limited. The number one cause of high blood pressure, different types of cancer, heart disease, stroke and liver diseases is alcohol consumption. The less you drink, the better.

Make sure you get enough sleep:

There’s an urban legend that geniuses sleep poorly, but let’s face it, not many of us have crazy brains like that, so… We need to rest our mind and body. For an adult to be healthy, it is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a night. Insufficient sleep opens the door to diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression.

Manage your stress properly:

We know it’s an annoying cliché now, but what can we do? Stress causes an intense negative effect on the human body, at least as much as smoking. It is not possible to say stay away from stress anyway, but at least try to manage this situation in the most correct way by calming yourself somehow.

Have your health checked regularly:

Unfortunately, there is a common misconception in our country that one cannot go to a doctor without a patient. Of course, don’t get sick and knock on doctor’s doors every day. however, go to a doctor at least every 6 months for a general examination and ensure early diagnosis of possible conditions. Regular dental check-ups are especially important.

Know your genetic risks:

As we mentioned in the introduction, we cause most of the chronic diseases, but some of them are passed on to us genetically. Well some people have a much higher risk of chronic disease than some people. For this reason, you should know your family health history, inform your doctor about it and take your precautions accordingly.

Most common in older age what are chronic diseases We have listed some of the measures you can take to prevent them by answering the question. What we describe is for informational purposes only. Do not forget that you should get the most accurate and specific information about chronic diseases from a specialist physician, as in all health issues.

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