What are the methods of searching phone numbers online?

A call from someone who is not registered in your contact list may arouse curiosity. It may cause suspicion, especially if persistent gaps continue. Blocking unknown numbers can also be a solution. However, you may miss many opportunities because of this. So, who does the calling phone number belong to? For those who wonder if there is another way to find out, here are the methods of searching phone numbers online…

No more unknown calls: Internet phone number inquiry methods!

It is now very easy to find out the owner of a call that is not recorded in your phonebook. Internet phone number query methods are just a keyboard away. To find the owner of an unknown number, many people save the number and try to guess it from their WhatsApp profile. However, this method may not always be very effective. You can also take a look at other methods.

You can query unknown numbers through applications. There are various applications for this. One of these applications is the Truecaller application. The application was developed for Android and iOS devices. Trucaller application automatically identifies incoming foreign numbers. You can follow the steps below to query the phone number using the application:

  • Download Truecaller app
  • Open the app
  • Grant the necessary permissions

A very surprising feature from WhatsApp!  Phone number becomes outdated

A very surprising feature from WhatsApp! Phone number becomes outdated

Popular messaging platform WhatsApp introduces username feature to ensure privacy and security.

You can also easily benefit from the services offered by GSM operators to find out who is calling you. However, there is another detail you should pay attention to: GSM operators may offer these services for a fee. For this reason, you can first consult the GSM operator’s customer service and ask whether the service is paid.

How to query a number for Vodafone?

If you are using a Vodafone SIM card, you can call our Unknown Numbers service at 11842 to make an inquiry through the Vodafone Unknown Numbers Service. You can also make inquiries via SMS. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Open your phone’s messages app.
  • Type “KIM”, leave a space and dial the 10-digit number without the leading 0.
  • Send the message to 7048.

How to query a number for Turkcell?

If you are using a Turkcell SIM card, all you have to do is send a text message to find out who the unknown number is. However, you should remember that this service is paid. You can quickly find out who the phone number belongs to by following the steps below.

  • Open your phone’s messages app.
  • Type “KIM” followed by the number without the leading 0.
  • You can send the message you created as a text message to 2200.

You can also use the Upcall application developed by Turkcell. You can inquire about unknown numbers of Turkcell subscribers 3 times a month, free of charge. You can get the package called “Upcall Dolu Dolu” for a certain monthly fee to query 500 unknown numbers of Turkcell subscribers per month. Thanks to this package, the application can be used without ads.

How to query the number for Türk Telekom subscribers?

You can query by name and number by accessing the Unknown Numbers Service from the transactions menu on the official page of Türk Telekom. You can also find out who the unknown number is by calling 11811. However, remember that this service is paid!

  • Open the search page.
  • Dial “*100#”.
  • Select Unknown Numbers Service.
  • Make the inquiry.

You can search the phone number in the search engine!

If the number calling you is a corporate account, you can easily reach it using this method.

Searching on social media!

You can search by phone number on social media channels such as Facebook and Linkedin. Thus, you can view the profile where the number is registered. However, there is an important condition for this. Your profile should not be private.

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