Weren’t the Natives Who Really “Discovered” America?

We always attribute the discovery of America to the 14th century, especially to prominent figures such as Christopher Columbus. However, why do we call a continent where important civilizations settled thousands of years ago and where Vikings and countless other communities set foot, “discovered”?

Sometimes adults ask important questions that they never think of. kids he asks. Because we do most things was taught We accept it as it is and generally avoid asking even seemingly simple questions.

discovery of america It is a turning point that changed world history, we all know that. Well, let’s ask a childish question: Those who first discovered America were already living there. locals wasn’t it?

Italian explorer, Admiral Christopher Columbus (or Christopher Columbus), was the head of Spain’s “Atlantic Ocean expeditions” in the 13th century.

Aim, new trade routes and to discover new lands that could be colonized. columbusTo put it simply, what he really wanted was to constantly move towards the West and find a shorter and easier way to reach Asia, especially India. But something happened that he didn’t expect.

go to the shores of Asia Instead, he went to a new and large continent that he had never known. Some sources even say that Columbus originally came here. India He says what he thinks, but he arrives in South America today. Panama CanalIt was a point close to .

America had actually already been discovered by others. Thousands of years ago.


Mayan, Aztec, Inca civilizations such as; important agricultural practices developed, advanced in architecture, trading networks established and made progress on many other issues.

At that time, the idea of ​​another continent besides Asia, Europe and Africa turned everything Europeans knew upside down.

3 continents jerusalem

Because Europeans at that time from three continents was formed and the central point in the middle of these three continents holy land of jerusalem to every continent NoahThey believed that another son of ‘s settled and formed other nations in each of them.

A fourth continent In the Bible and Torah It was shaking the world’s thought to its core. That’s why Christopher Columbus, When they discovered America, it took a long time to convince the Europeans that a new continent existed.

Consider the shock effect that the New World created on the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa.

discovery of new world

It was a groundbreaking development. When talking about a discovery, actually Europeans We’re talking about it being new for them, learning something they could never have guessed before.

After the discovery of America by Europeans, Europe world maps changed. With the Old World New World Cultural, historical and economic relations began between them, which will continue forever.

As time passed, Columbus began to be remembered not so well.


Europeans have known Columbus for centuries “Great Admiral of the Oceans”They saw him as the “Great Explorer”. His name was engraved in golden letters in history books. A giant mausoleum was prepared for Columbus. His sculptures adorned many places in America and Europe. The anniversary of the discovery is still celebrated in America Columbus Day It is celebrated as.

He was a great hero for some. But as time went on, only Europeans and Americans ruling classes Rather, the perspectives and criticisms of oppressed peoples began to be increasingly taken into consideration.

Following the discovery of America colonialismfor the indigenous peoples of America inhumane treatments and many atrocities that lasted for hundreds of years, including Columbus and the European groups who first discovered America, and America’s founding figures These were sufficient reasons for them to become figures condemned by the masses.

In fact, we know almost all of world history through the eyes of Europeans.

european historiography

Well mainstream historiography It focuses either specifically on the actions and contributions made by European communities or on how they influenced them.

“Discovery” Even the word itself is actually a word belonging to the vocabulary of Europe at that time. Europeans at that time new trade routesthe name given to his passionate search for resources and growth opportunities.

When we say that Columbus discovered America, we are actually saying that he was the last one in history, not the first one to discover it.

columbus discovery

to Columbus great explorerWhether it is correct to call the landing of America by Europeans a discovery is still quite controversial. But what Columbus did to America expeditionIt was the discovery that brought about the most important and lasting effects in world history.

When he discovered it, the whole world knew about America. Therefore America’s in 1492 Saying that it was discovered by Christopher Columbus is the most concise and useful definition, although it is not the most complete and realistic form. Also, even if we don’t like it, it is useful to remember, “History is always written by the winners”.

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