Weekly Working Hours in European Countries Announced

Landgeist has revealed which of the European countries works the least or the most in the map prepared by Eurostat by compiling the 2020 data. Turkey’s Southeastern Anatolia Region ranked higher than any other country.

Working conditions and durations in every country and region of the world have been a matter of debate for years. So, in which country and region do employees work the most today? Shared by Landgeist by Eurostat Based on 2020 data The map revealed the countries and regions with the highest weekly working hours in the world.

According to the shared data, the country working the least hours in the world was the Netherlands with an average of 30-33 hours per week. In the graph that also covers the regions in the countries, it is seen that the average working hours in Turkey is high and the most Southeastern Anatolia Region appeared to be working.

Turkey is the hardest working country in Europe:

According to the map, employees across Turkey work an average of 42-47 hours a week. Number of hours Eastern Anatolia Region with 36 – 39 in the north while in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, weekly an average of 47 to 51 hours is seen. When we look at the map in general, we see that eastern Europe works much less than the general.

In Eastern Europe, besides Turkey, it is among the countries that work more than the average. Greece, Serbia and Montenegro is located. The vast majority of workers in these countries work more than 42 hours a week. The regions with the lowest working hours are Norway, Denmark and Switzerland, after the Netherlands.


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It is stated that the reason why the working hours in the Netherlands is so low is that the workers in the country mostly work in part-time jobs. Accordingly, in the Netherlands 47.6% of the employees are part-time workers is located. In Switzerland and Austria, this rate is seen as 39.4% and 23.9%, respectively.

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