Weak password shock at AMD: Hackers steal by mocking

AMDhacker group RansomHouse It may have been hacked by a data theft. In the last statement made by the group, it was claimed that the data of thousands of users was stolen. The chip manufacturer stated that it is aware of the situation and is investigating the possible leak.

AMD churning with hacking attempt: 450GB of data stolen

In the statement published by the hacker group RansomHouse, it was claimed that the latest victim was AMD. group spokesperson, from AMD stealing 450GB of data He said they succeeded. In addition, claiming that AMD administrators chose very weak passwords, the group said that this was an even greater embarrassment for the AMD security department.

Claiming that AMD security employees chose simple passwords, the group also shared some of these passwords. The group’s sharing is that AMD employees “password”, “123456” and “Welcome1It turned out that he used quite simple passwords such as ”.

AMD will raise the bill with new generation graphics cards!

AMD will raise the bill with new generation graphics cards!

AMD RDNA 3 architecture graphics cards, which are certain to be introduced this year, can bring electricity bills to horrendous proportions.

The group used some of the 450GB of data they stole from AMD as evidence. leaked to darknet. As part of the breach, it shared a data sample containing network files, system information, and AMD passwords. In the statement made by the hackers, AMD was mocked as follows:

The era of high-end technology, progress and high-end security… There is a lot for crowds in these words. However, these still seem like good words when even tech giants like AMD use simple passwords to protect their networks from intrusions.

on the darknet that they will sell the data to customers who are “buyers” Announcing RansomHouse, the stolen data has research and financial secrets. The hackers stated that they could negotiate with customers to determine the exact value of the data and shared some sample information.


AMD has yet to did not receive a ransom demand and said it was investigating a possible alleged violation. The purpose of RansomHouse, which is trying to sell information on the darknet, is unclear for now.

What do you guys think of the AMD hacking attempt? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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