One of the most notable events recently is that universities have increased their meal fees significantly. After Ege University students protested the meal fees increasing from 6.5 TL to 20 TL, another protest came from Izmir Dokuz Eylül University.
Izmir Dokuz Eylül University’s food is about 200 percent raise With the arrival of the food Increase from 5.85 TL to 17 TL It sparked a reaction from students. So much so that the students of Izmir Dokuz Eylül University protesting the increase were intervened by security guards. 8 students were also detained. The students were released after their statements were taken. It is said that the reason for the detention was that the protests against the withdrawal of the raises did not continue.
After the protest that became a hot topic in Türkiye, is it only in our country that food prices are so high? public universities abroad We made a comparison with . When you see the menus at universities abroad as well as the prices “I wish we could eat like this.” you will say.
First, let’s take a look at the events that took place at Izmir Dokuz Eylül University.
You can see the price hikes offered by almost many universities in Turkey on social media. Reactions continue to pour in. Although some universities try to explain this increase with increasing food costs, the students seem to be justified in their protests based on the mathematics they have done.
While investigating how much of the scholarship fees given to students are allocated to food universities abroad We also wondered about his attitude on this issue.
While first revealing the situation in Turkey How students abroad are fed You will also see. The comment is yours!
Let’s look at the increases made by schools without calculating students’ meal costs.
The meal fees of Izmir Dokuz Eylül University, which was the subject of the events, were approximately 200 percent raise We stated that he did. In this case, meal fees increased from 5.85 TL to 17 TL. Announced meal fees of other universities are as follows:
University |
Old Fee |
New Fee |
Marmara University |
5 Turkish liras |
15 TL |
Ankara university |
6 TL |
15 TL |
Boğaziçi University (breakfast) |
5 Turkish liras |
10 liras |
Boğaziçi University (lunch and dinner) |
7.5 TL |
15 TL |
Hacettepe University (breakfast) |
7.5 TL |
12.5 TL |
Hacettepe University (lunch and dinner) |
8.5 TL |
15 TL |
Selcuk University |
7 TL |
20 TL |
Istanbul Technical University |
5 Turkish liras |
15 TL |
In some universities reservation system is being implemented. For example; While the reservation fee at Dokuz Eylül University was 35 TL before the increase, this fee became 67 TL with the increase. Those who have made a reservation at Fırat University must pay 20 TL, and those who have not made a reservation must pay 30 TL. While Harran University charges 10 TL with reservation and 20 TL without reservation, this difference in Anadolu University is quite large. Students dining with reservation at Anadolu University pay 9 TL. If they do not make a reservation, the fee increases to 55 TL.
How much does a student spend on food per month?
Paid to students studying in associate and undergraduate departments of universities as of January 2023 KYK scholarship 1.250 TL. Since it is cheaper to eat in university cafeterias than outside restaurants, students prefer to eat here. However, the scholarship they received Almost all of it goes to dinner..
When calculating meal expenses, let’s calculate the fee as 15 TL and the day of school meals as 20 TL. In this case, a student who goes to school for 20 days has to eat 1 meal a day. 300 TL per month is paying.
Monthly meal expenses for students who want to eat breakfast and a second meal 900 TL only for school. Only 350 TL remains. To fill your stomach on the weekends remaining 350 TL It is clear what foods they can eat. Pasta or bonfrit (potatoes in bread).
As you can see the monthly scholarship fee transportation, accommodation, school and general expenses It ended before I could add it.
So, what meals are served in universities and how are students fed?
In many universities Table d’hôtes consisting of 4 types is given. Although it varies depending on the meal, meals generally consist of soup, main course, rice or pasta, dessert or fruit.
Universities publish their meal lists monthly. Some dishes are shared by students on social media. There is even a social media trend among students from time to time. “This is the most expensive until a more expensive one is made.” or “This is the worst until worse is done.”
The next photos are some of the dishes shared on social media.
Last week, in the cafeteria of Istanbul University at lunch time when there is no food left food served to students.
The dinner at Gazi University divided social media into two. While some found it satisfying, others emphasized that it was free.
The menu that appears after the main meal is finished at Marmara University. Adults get it…
At Dokuz Eylül University, only water is served with meals.
Rize KYK Girls’ Dormitory breakfast draws attention to how students can study without filling their stomachs.
What did Bayburt University mean when it said chickpeas with meat?
The meals served at universities in Turkey are on average at the same level. Now let’s look at those abroad. All the schools we include are state school Let us state that it is.
At Temple University, a public university in Pennsylvania, USA, meal payment is made in exchange for unlimited meals.
Unlimited meal fee 21 times per week $2,485.00 per period. 15 meals per week is $2,338.00, while 5 meals per week is $944.00. Scholarships given to students vary depending on their level of success and residence. The annual scholarship fee is average $5,000. It is seen that students who want to eat unlimited meals in both semesters pay their scholarships for food. But judging by the photos, at least filling and delicious We can see that they are eating, and it is unlimited.
Students at McGill University, one of the public universities in Canada, are among those who pay for unlimited meals.
McGill University annual meal cost $6,200. For this fee, students unlimited food They can eat. Scholarships given to students range from $3,000 to $12,000. The $12,000 scholarship is awarded only to Canadian citizens or permanent legal residents of Canada. In this case, Canadian citizens are actually advantageous. Scholarships for other students annually does not cover the meal fee.
Virginia Tech University in America is also among the fee-paying students, but the meals of this public university are on the agenda of even First Lady Michelle Obama.
One of the most important public universities in the USA Virginia Tech University students consume approximately 14 meals per week. pay $2,999 per term doing. Discounts are offered on meals at some of the 47 venues within the university. One of the events that highlights Virginia Tech University’s food is First Lady Michelle Obama related to. Obama for college dinners in his 2012 commencement speech “Best campus food you’ll ever eat.” says. Students who receive high-quality food service at school, lobster He even finds the opportunity to eat.
Finally, let’s look at the food of Cambridge University, one of the world-famous public universities.
Cambridge University students for a meal average £6.50 is paying. Moreover, this price is in a typical cafeteria. Those who want to eat in the official hall at the school must pay £11.95. of the university scholarship support is £3,500 It starts with . Students who meet certain criteria can also receive higher payments.
Of course, the menus we include are It varies from school to school. However, it is obvious that students’ health and well-being are prioritized abroad. Unfortunately, many of our students being trained on pasta.
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