Waste Management Engineering Will Become One of the Future Professions

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about changes in the field of waste management as well as causing changes in many areas around the world. The developing industry is making waste management engineering one of the favorite professions of the future.

The rapidly increasing population around the world, living standards it also changes. Changing standards push people to consume more. The increase in consumption naturally leads to an increase in waste. Growing waste The control and management of the volume is also becoming more important day by day. Because pollution and environmental problems as a result of wastes can cause economic and other risks to humanity by causing damage to natural resources.

Due to the increasing waste in the world as we move towards the future, waste management engineering is also of great importance. Mustafa Aykut, an academic and also the President of the Futurists Association, said in his statement to AA that there have been changes in many areas in the post-pandemic period and that some professions have gained more importance due to this change. one of the future professions He said he would be one.

“Building Human Resources”

Saying that the waste problem has increased due to changing living standards and increasing population and that new technologies and new professions have emerged to cope with them, Aykut said, “Waste management engineering will be one of the favorite professions of the future. One of the countries that noticed this is Canada. Enough for this job already. human resourceIt cooperates with educational institutions to create the These waste management engineers will work in organizations that collect, sort, evaluate, recycle and dispose of waste. Organize and manage processes‘ he said.


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Stating that waste management engineers have important effects in the field of energy, Aykut said, gas savings also referring to “Engineers who will work in this field, which is very complex and requiring high technology, must control many successive processes well. By processing plastic and low-value waste materials, the carbon chains are broken down and converted into gas, which is similar to natural gas. When burned, energy is released. The energy supplied to the interconnected system, on the one hand, ensures the destruction of waste, on the other hand, it provides savings with its renewable energy feature. On top of that, the last waste left behind is used as a very valuable material, especially in road construction, to create a hard floor.‘ he said.

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