Voyager Court Decision Received: 270 Million Dollars to be Distributed to Customers

Bankruptcy court judge Michael Wiles has confirmed that crypto lending and trading platform Voyager will distribute its $270 million asset at Emtropolitan Commercial Bank to its clients.

of Voyager During chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, the firm at Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB) found 270 million was allowed to distribute the dollar.

to Three Arrows Capital after he could not repay his debt cash flow deteriorated Voyager Digital end of June stopped withdrawing money. After the company in early July filed with the court to take advantage of chapter 11 bankruptcy law.

Since the beginning of Voyager’s trial 270 million located in MCB dollar deposit It is known that he wants to distribute to his customers however on 15 July This suggestion brought up August 4 judge on Michael Willes by approved.

Voyager has been on regulators’ radar lately and to mislead oriented wrong information by deciding that had been warned.

In court, the company 270 million excluding dollar cash assets 1 billion dollar crypto asset No decision has been made on how to use it.

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