Updated Fetch, Fee and Minimum Package Amount

As you know, the Turkish lira loses its value every time we close our eyes in recent days. For this reason, many sectors are increasing prices in order to adapt to the situation. One of the innovations in the pricing system to adapt to this situation was the courier service Getir.

The Turkish lira continues to melt before our eyes with each passing day. The day before that dollar; breaking a record, exceeding TL 16 and seeing the highest level in history since six zeros were removed from TL. However, this record did not last long, after only 4 hours the dollar 17.17 TLThe dollar once again broke the record. The intervention efforts of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey officials did not give good results, as before.

dollar as of today 16.42 TLAlthough the dollar has declined to . As such, the effects of the weakening of the TL against the dollar have been reflected in many sectors, from food to clothing, and naturally they continue to do so. Courier service, which started to serve in 2015 and opened to 9 different countries, including European countries and the United States, in order to carry the success it achieved in Turkey abroad. Bring has also been one of those who have had its share of the rapid depreciation of the TL recently.

Fee and minimum basket limit prices have been updated.

Fee of Fetch according to incoming information 6.99 TL While updating to , the lower basket limit is also 30 TL was determined as. The same prices are 10 euros for the minimum package amount in Europe, and 1.99 euros for the delivery fee.


Move from Getir to Accelerate Its Growth in Europe: It Acquires a Competitor in the UK

While this increase in prices was met negatively by most Getir users, many users also to other courier services indicated that they would

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