Apple Allegedly Agreed with OpenAI for Artificial Intelligence

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman announced that Apple and OpenAI reached an agreement for artificial intelligence features. However, there is no official statement on the subject.

In a news we shared with you a few weeks ago, we reported that the US-based technology giant Apple is partnering with Google and OpenAI for artificial intelligence. We mentioned that you were in talks. Allegedly, the company agreed with one or both of Google or OpenAI and released iOS 18. artificial intelligence powered would start offering features.

Now, there has been a new development regarding this issue. Mark Gurman, one of the experienced Apple analysts, said that the company is working with OpenAI. you reached an agreement announced. Citing sources familiar with the matter, Mark Gurman cited a statement from Apple and OpenAI. could not get verification.

With this agreement, Apple will offer a special version of ChatGPT to users.

According to information obtained, Apple has introduced a new version for iOS 18 within the scope of this agreement. chat bot will announce. This chat bot will appear as a customized version of ChatGPT. Differences of the special version from the original ChatGPT It is not clear yet.


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Meanwhile; Talks between Apple and Google still ongoing is reported. However, it is not clear how these talks will conclude. It seems that Apple may offer a chat bot through OpenAI and different artificial intelligence features through Google. To clarify the issue for a while will have to wait.

Source : east

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