Unemployment among University Graduates More Than Primary School Graduates

While Turkey will transition to a university system where there is no threshold score, Eurostat’s 2020 data reveal a rather pessimistic outlook for Turkey’s future. Even before this system has not been put into effect, the unemployment rate of university graduates in Turkey is higher than primary school graduates.

While Turkey ranks first in Europe for the ratio of university students per population, this situation also leads to an increase in the rate of unemployed university graduates. While the removal of the university threshold scores will cause this situation to worsen, the situation even before today. how pathetic it is There is a graph showing

The 2020 data of the European Statistical Office compared the unemployment rates of primary school and university graduates in Turkey. The odds brought Turkey to the status of a special country in Europe, again on a negative issue. According to Eurostat data, in Turkey The unemployment rate for university graduates is higher than the unemployment rate for primary school graduates..

Turkey is the only country where the unemployment rate for university graduates is higher than for primary school graduates:

According to Eurostat data, the number of university graduates in Turkey between the ages of 20-64 unemployment rate 12.7% level. Those with primary or lower education unemployment rate 12.6% below this rate. When we look at the rest of the European countries, it can be easily seen that this ratio is the opposite.

According to the average of 2019 in European Union countries, the unemployment rate among university graduates is 4%. This rate is 12.4% for primary school graduates. In Slovakia, one of the countries with the highest difference unemployment rate of university graduates is 3.5% unemployment rate of primary school graduates 29.7%. Similar gaps exist in countries such as Romania, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Montenegro, Lithuania, Germany and Poland.


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Source :
https://tr.euronews.com/2022/03/07/avrupa-da-tek-ornek-turkiye-de-universite-mezunlar-nda-issiz-ilkogretimden-daha-yuksek?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox= 1646658747

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